

Hao Chen
Flashcards by Hao Chen, updated more than 1 year ago
Hao Chen
Created by Hao Chen over 5 years ago

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Question Answer
balance of payments deficit schodek platební balance the difference in the amount of money going out of a country and that which is coming in, when the total incoming is less than the total outgoing
balance of payments surplus přebytek platební balance the difference in the amount of money going out of a country and that which is coming in, when the total incoming is more than the total outgoing
cargo náklad the good that are being carried in a ship, plane or another large vehicle
comparative advantage komparitivní výhoda the ability to produce something more efficiently, at lower opportunity cost than somebody else
dumping dumping the act of charging a lower price for the goods in a foreign market that one charges for the same product in a domestic market
economic sanctions hospodářské sankce penalties imposed by one country on another country for political and socials issues
economic stability hospodářská stabilita economic system of a nation that displays only minor fluctuations in the economy
economies of scale úspory z rozsahu the reduction of production costs that is a result of making and selling goods in large quantities
embargo embargo an official order to stop trade with another country
export vývoz a product sold to another country
free trade volný obchod a policy by which governments do not restrict imports to or exports from their countries
glibalization globalizace the process of international integration due to the interchange of products, ideas and cultures
import dovoz a product that is brought from one country to another to be sold there
international trade mezinárodní obchod the exchange of goods and services between countries
invisible trade vývoz a dovoz služeb export and import of physically intangible items such as services (banking, education
labour laws pracovní právo laws regarding the relationship between employers and employees and trade unions
multinational/transnational corporation nadnárodní korporace an organization that owns production of goods and service in more countries other than their home country
perishable goods rychle se kazící zboží goods that are likely to decay quickly
poverty gap míra chudoby the difference between the total population and those living in poverty
protectionism protekcionismus government actions and policies that restrict international trade
quota kvóta the number of goods and services that can be imported or exported during a particular time period
red table byrokracie, úřední šiml an idiom referring to official rules that prevent things from being done quickly and easily
self-sufficient soběstačný not requiring any help, support for survival; self-sufficient economy does not trade with the outside world
specialization specializace a method of production where a business or area focuses on the production of a limited scope of products or services in order to gain greater efficiency
standard of living životní úroveň the amount of money and comfort people have in a particular society
subsidy dotace money that is paid by government or organization to make prices lower, reduce the cost of producing goods…
tariff clo a tax imposed on imported goods and services, used to restrict trade
trade alliance mezinárodní alliance treaty between two or more countries where trade barriers are reduced or eliminated among them
visible trade vývoz a dovoz zboží export and import of goods that can be touched or weighed
the Wrold Trade Org. an international body whose purpose is to promote free trade by persuading countries to abolish import tariffs and other barriers
stakeholdert a person with an interest or concern in something, especially in business
shareholder/stockholder akcionář a person who owns shares in a company
sustainability having the ability to be continued with minimal long-term effect on the environment
environment, the environment the circumstances, objects or conditions by which one is surrounded, the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area
charity an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need
overheads režijní náklady business expenses, such as rent, that are not directly attributable to any department or unit of product
tangible asset hmotný majetek an asset such as building, land or piece of equipment that has physical properties
poverty cycle chudoba the set of factors or events by which poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention
bottom line konečný hospodářský výsledek informal term for net income, the last line of a financial statement that shows the net profit or loss of a company or organization
fair trade fair trade trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers
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