Romeo and Juliet- lord Capulet


quotes and analysis
miriam carvalho
Flashcards by miriam carvalho, updated more than 1 year ago
miriam carvalho
Created by miriam carvalho almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
She is the hopeful lady of my earth: Lord Capulet act 1 scene 2 Juliet is very important to him. she is the center of his life. he is presented as a loving father.
My will to her consent is but a part. Lord Capulet Act 1 scene 2 he cares about his daughter's consent which is a surprising thing as men were in charge and they could do whatever they want.
He bears him like a portly gentleman; Lord Capulet act 1 scene 5 He carries himself like a dignified gentleman. adjective 'portly' suggest that Lord Capulet had some respect for Romeo even thought he is suppose to be his enemy.
Will you be ready? do you like this haste? Lord Capulet act 3 scene 4 he doesn't care about Juliet's consent anymore. this is a contrast to the beginning were Lord Capulet is seen as a concerned father now he just cares about someone taking the family name. Men in those days were in charge of everything in the family. he doesn't need their consent. Lord Capulet was thought to be different, but he isn't.
Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! The noun ‘wretch’ is someone who is thought to be a troubled person, this correlates to Juliet as in her father’s mind he thinks she doesn’t realize how lucky she is to marry Paris, someone who has such great qualities. He additionally uses repetition when he uses the metaphor ‘baggage’, to show his furious, but most importantly he is giving a clear message to her that she is a burden. That she is just there to weigh him down, nothing else. The explanation marks highlights how fuming and annoyed he is, and also let us visualize that his stage direction would be shouting.
Death is my son-in-law. Death is my heir. Lord Capulet act 4 scene 5 this is 'personification', which is a form of metaphor. she is died on her wedding day suggesting that she has married death and gone with it forever. this could also be foreshadowing the event that romeo dies as romeo is his son-in-lay and the heir to the families.
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