Driver's Ed


A deck I made to help myself study for my driver's test. All material comes from Driver's Ed Direct.
Dez Swann
Flashcards by Dez Swann, updated more than 1 year ago
Dez Swann
Created by Dez Swann over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When parking on a steep incline or hill, what necessary step must you take to insure that your car doesn't roll into the flow of traffic? 1. Set Your Parking Brake
When parking on a steep hill facing uphill, what steps must you take to park safely? "When parking headed uphill, position your tires away from the curb, then gently let your car roll back so your front tire is touching the curb." Section 1, Page 8
When parking on a steep hill facing downhill, what steps must you take to park safely? "If you are parking next to a curb heading downhill, turn your front tires into the curb." Section 1, Page 8
What is Kaitlyn's Law? "This law states that you may not leave a child that is 6 years of age or under unattended in a motor vehicle if there are conditions that present a risk, if the engine is running, or if the keys are left in the ignition." Section 1, Page 8
According to Kaitlyn's Law, a child may be left in a car with a person of at least what age? "A child may be left under the supervision of a person 12 years old or older." Section 1, Page 8
What are some dangers to leaving a child in a car unattended? Hypothermia or hypothermia. Car theft with child inside. Injuries caused by power windows or sunroof. Carbon monoxide poisoning if the vehicle is still running. Injuries to bystanders or car occupants if car is shifted into gear.
What should you do if there is a white painted line on the roadway where there is also a stop sign? "f there is a white painted line on the roadway, you must stop at the first white painted line." Section 1, Page 9
If you are approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection, when should you yield the right of way? "The driver shall then yield the right of way to any vehicles which have approached from another highway, or which are approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, and shall continue to yield the right of way to those vehicles until he or she can proceed with reasonable safety." Section 1, Page 9
You and another vehicle have simultaneously arrived at an intersection, but there is no stop sign, yield sign, or traffic signal. Who has the right-of-way? "When two vehicles arrive simultaneously at an intersection where there is no stop sign, yield sign, or signal, the vehicle on the right has the right-of-way." Section 1, Page 9
You and another vehicle have simultaneously arrived at an intersection opposite from each other. You want to go straight, but they want to go left. Who has the right-of-way? Answer: "If two vehicles arrive at the same time from opposite sides, and one wants to go straight, while the other wants to go left, the vehicle traveling straight has the right-of-way." Section 1, Page 9
You and another vehicle have simultaneously arrived at an intersection opposite from each other. You want to go left, but they want to go right. Who has the right-of-way? Answer: They have the right-of-way "If two vehicles arrive at the same time from the opposite sides and one wants to go left, and the other wants to go right on the same street, the one going right has the right-of-way." Section 1, Page 9
A motorist is driving on a two-lane highway (one in each direction) and is driving slow enough to cause five or more vehicles to back-up behind his or her vehicle. What is the motorist required to do? "When a motorist is driving on a two-lane highway (one lane in each direction) and is driving slow enough to cause five or more vehicles to back up behind his or her vehicle, that motorist must pull off the road at the nearest designated turnout (or wherever there is enough room to turn out safely) to allow the backed-up traffic to pass." Section 1, Page 9
You are attempting you enter the freeway from an on-ramp, but there is currently traffic. Who has the right-of-way? "On a freeway on-ramp, the vehicle already driving on the freeway has right-of-way over the vehicle entering the freeway." Section 1, Page 9
You are attempting to drive up a narrow hill, when you notice another car is attempting to go downhill. Who has the right-of-way? "When driving upon a narrow hill or grade with insufficient space to pass, the driver of the vehicle ascending the hill has the right-of-way. If necessary, the driver descending the hill must back up to permit the vehicle going up to pass safely." Section 1, Page 9
What is the highest punishment for littering? "Throwing anything out of a vehicle is an environmentally irresponsible act. In fact, a conviction of highway littering carries a fine of up to $1,000 and up to 24 hours of community service." Section 1, Page 11
What are six courteous driving tips? 1. Avoid Tailgating 2. Don't Weave In and Out of Traffic Lanes 3. Always Use Your Turn Signal 4. Do Not Block the Passing Lane 5. Avoid Unnecessary Use of High Beams 6. Avoid Unnecessary Use of Horn
What are things you should never do when you park your car? 1. Take Up Two Spaces 2. Park In a Fire Lane 3. Block a Crossway, Driveway, or Emergency Entrance
What are some physical effects related to driving? Depth Perception Speed Perception Coordination Reaction Time Vision Section 2, Page 1
How should you properly use your high beams? "Use your high beams whenever possible as long as it is not illegal (i.e., in open country or on dark city streets). Do not blind other drivers with your high beam headlights. Dim your lights when necessary." Section 2, Page 2
What should you do when an approaching vehicle has their headlights on? "Never look directly into the headlights of an approaching vehicle. If another driver does not dim their lights, look towards the right edge of your lane." Section 2, Page 2
What should you do if someone has their high beams on? "Flash your lights to another vehicle with their high beams on−they may be unaware that they are on." Section 2, Page 2
Define what each of these colors mean in terms of driving: Red Green Yellow Orange Red : Stop Green : Go Yellow : Caution Orange : Construction Section 2, Page 2
What should you do to combat reduced depth perception? "Keep your distance from other vehicles, and watch the speed of approaching vehicles. The best strategy is to avoid left hand turns whenever possible if you have poor depth perception." Section 2, Page 2
If you are affected by color blindness, what should you do? "Learn the shapes of traffic signs to understand their purpose and intention." Section 2, Page 2
What should you do to combat night blindness? "Our visual lead time, or the distance that we can see in our headlights at night, has to be at least as great as our stopping distance, which = Thinking Time (Time to Perceive & Decide) + Reaction Time (Time required to physically move your foot from the accelerator to the brake) + Braking Distance (Time required to completely stop once your foot makes initial contact with the brake). " Section 2, Page 2
List four ways to compensate for impaired hearing. 1. Rely more on your vision 2. Use rear-view and side mirrors 3. Wear a hearing aid 4. Open your window
List two ways to compensate for complete hearing loss. 1. Equip your car with special devices 2. Panoramic mirrors
TRUE or FALSE: One third of crashes involving a drowsy driver result in injuries and more than 6,000 fatigue-related crashes each year result in at least one fatality. TRUE "Many people believe that playing loud music, rolling down the window or having conversations with a passenger are reliable ways to stay awake. The fact is, the best way not to fall asleep at the wheel is to pull over in a lighted, populated area and get some rest." "Highway hypnosis is a natural hypnotic state occurring when you're 'hypnotized' by the road because of driving for long periods of time. Make a concerted effort to keep your eyes moving and continually scan the roadway."
BE CAREFUL IF YOU DRIVE AND YOU'RE SICK "Your health can affect your driving ability, and how you react to road and traffic conditions. Even a short-term illness, like a cold or mild flu can negatively affect your driving ability. You may be distracted because you don't feel well, and you may find your visibility affected, as well as your ability to maneuver your vehicle. The best strategy is to not drive at all if you are sick! If you have to drive, try to keep your trips short, and use extra caution." Section 1, Page 5
What is carbon monoxide? "Carbon monoxide is a deadly, odorless and colorless gas contained in your car engine's exhaust fumes." Section 2, Page 9
What can you do to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning? "Open your garage door before you start your car engine. Never run your engine inside a garage or closed area. In a traffic jam, especially in a tunnel, turn off your engine, if possible. Keep a reasonable distance between your car and the car in front of you. Never drive with your rear window open. Turn off your car's "fresh air" ventilation if you find yourself stuck behind another vehicle for an extended period of time. Have your car's exhaust system checked to detect potential leaks or problems." Section 2, Page 9
Read the example below, and determine which force has been misjudged. A vehicle with a high center of ___, such as a car transporting cargo on its roof, or some SUV's, can become unstable and harder to control when executing a turn, causing it to crash into other vehicles. Misjudging Gravity (Rollovers) Section 3, Page 3
Read the example below, and determine which force has been misjudged. A car encounters a roadway with its ___ reduced, and collides with the car in front of it, an oncoming car, or drives off the side of a hill. Misjudging Friction (Skids) Section 3, Page 3
Read the example below, and determine which force has been misjudged. The driver's car enters a curve too quickly and loses control, colliding with an oncoming vehicle, into the side of or off a mountain or hill. Misjudging Centrifugal Force (Driving Off a Curve) Section 3, Page 3
Read the example below, and determine which force has been misjudged. The vehicle is forced to drastically reduce its speed or come to a sudden, complete stop, propelling people and objects forward. Misjudging Inertia (Damage to Property or Injury to Persons Inside Vehicle) Section 3, Page 3
Read the example below, and determine which force has been misjudged. Vehicle may be exiting a freeway or highway, still going at a high rate of speed, and collides with other, slower-moving vehicles that are trying to merge onto the freeway, or that are stopped in a traffic jam. Misjudging Kinetic Energy (Velocitation) Section 3, Page 3
What useful tool should you carry with you, especially if you are operating a heavy truck or other vehicle, and certainly on an incline? Wheel Blocks Section 3, Page 4
What safety precaution is present in all vehicles that helps counteract inertia's effects? Seat belts Section 3, Page 5
Imagine this: There are two cars, one yellow and one blue. They are both going at the same speed and will brake at the same time, but the blue car is twice as heavy as the yellow one. What is true about the blue car when it brakes? Answer: The braking distance of the blue car will be twice as great of that of the yellow car. "The relationship between weight and kinetic energy (or energy in motion) is directly proportional. Therefore, if a car weighs twice as much as another car, it will have twice the energy and as a result its 'braking distance will be twice as great.'" Section 3, Page 7
Which of the following is the typical tread depth of most cars? A. 1 inch B. 1 1/16 inch C. 1/16 inch Answer: C. 1/16 Inch "The typical tread depth for most cars is 1/16th of an inch deep−check your tires periodically to ensure that they are in good condition and safe to use." Section 3, Page 8
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