700 Idioms 1


Most common idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs, slangs in English
David Y
Flashcards by David Y, updated more than 1 year ago
David Y
Created by David Y about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
We did a ____ ___ on him. He's clean. No prison record, outstanding warrants, that kind of stuff. a background check /a backgrounder do / run / give sb / require / take / complete / pass ___ ___
Just give me the ___ ___ for the project, I don't need it down to the exact cent. a ballpark figure give (sb) / ask for ____ ___
"So I blew my curfew, big deal," said the teenager. a big deal /a really big deal
After their winning streak, and intensive training schedule, the team's defeat was a ___ ___ to swallow. a bitter pill (to swallow) Defeat in the election was a bitter pill for him to swallow. You're too old to be given a job. That's a bitter pill to swallow.
"Roots" became a _____ TV series. The movie was a great success, a box office hit, a _______. a box office hit/a blockbuster As many film-makers know, the sequel to a blockbuster is never as good as the original.
The Prairies are the ______ of Canada, they grow many of Canada's food products. a breadbasket Zimbabwe, once a regional breadbasket, now suffers acute shortages of food, hard currency, petrol and other imports. Zambia could be the breadbasket of Africa. America cannot indefinitely serve as the breadbasket for the world.
As the main wage earner, he is the ______ of the household. a breadwinner Men are often expected to be the breadwinner in a family. He was the sole breadwinner for his family, especially since both of his parents died several years ago.
After a ____ ____, they resumed their work. a brief interlude Apart from a brief interlude of peace, the war lasted nine years. Except for a brief interlude in 1908 , full employment prevailed during most of the period.
The shower offered a ___ ____ from the searing (very hot) heat of August. a brief respite The drug brought a brief respite from the pain. Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite. I also set a time limit, usually four hours, with a brief respite in the middle.
This teddy bear is a ____ _____ for my toddler. a calming influence Serotonin somehow exerts a calming influence on the mind. Listening to the music has a calming influence on her. His presence had a calming influence.
They talked to me as though I were my twin sister. It was clearly a __ ___ ___ ___ a case of mistaken identity Investigators said this weekend that those reports may prove to be a case of mistaken identity. She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity. This is obviously a case of mistaken identity. The police arrested someone, but it turned out to be a case of mistaken identity .
Unless you show a ___ ___ ___, you will fail. a change of habit
The CEO is the __ ___ __, the head of the company. a chief executive officer (CEO)
They added the subtotals of the two sections to arrive at the ___ ____. a combined total 1. The German team scored a combined total of 652 points. 2. Her records have sold a combined total of 14 million copies. 3. His businesses are worth a combined total of $3 billion South Dakota and North Dakota hold primaries the same day, with a combined total of 36 delegates at stake.
He killed his lover. It was a ___ ___. a crime of passion 1. She killed her husband's lover in a crime of passion. 2. The murder had all the signs of a crime of passion.
Studying is a ____ ___ in academic success. A student cannot succeed without studying. a crucial component Profits, people and teamwork is a crucial component of our drive to improve profitability.
She wanted a ___ ___, but her boss only gave her three days off. a day off /a week off /a month off / time off
He played a ___ __ and deceived them. a dirty trick/dirty tricks He played a dirty trick on me by refusing to do what he had promised. My memory had played a dirty trick on me. He didn't turn up? What a dirty trick!
The book covered too many things too quickly; it was a real ____ ____, a mixed up mess. dog's breakfast The orchestra made a complete dog's breakfast of the fourth movement. You've made a right dog's breakfast of painting that door. They made a real dog's breakfast of that job. According to the media the upcoming UK election on May 7 looks like turning out to be little more than a dog's breakfast.
The diplomat went to the Middle East on a ____ _____. A ______ ____ or visit is one whose purpose is to get information about a particular situation, especially for an official group. a fact-finding mission / visit He urged the European Union to send a fact-finding mission to investigate. Once you sit down to talk, forget personal feelings and think of the discussion as a fact-finding mission. A UN fact-finding mission is on its way to the region.
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