Adaptation and Competition


A little revision task for adaptation and competition.
Flashcards by _Jess_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by _Jess_ about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What Does The Word 'adaptation' Mean ? The change, of which an animal or plant goes through to become better suited to its environment.
Name Three Ways That Polar Bears Are Adapted To Their Environment. 1. A small surface area to volume ratio, which reduces heat loss. 2. Large paws to spread weight across ice and snow. 3. A thick layer of fat, which insulates but also keeps a store of energy.
Name Three Ways That Camels Are Adapted To Their Environment. 1. Thick eyelashes, which stop sand getting into their eyes. 2. Humps that contain fat, for a store of energy. 3. Large feet that spread weight across sand to stop them sinking.
Name Three Ways That Cacti Are Adapted To Their Environment. 1. Thick stems that will store water. 2. Widespread roots that collect water from a vast area. 3. Spines instead of leaves, minimizes surface area to reduce water loss.
What Are Extremophile Bacteria ? Extremophile bacteria thrive in extreme environments - they can be adapted to live with high pressures and high temperatures.
What Is Meant By The Word 'competition' ? The act of rivalry between living things, plants and animals, for much needed resources.
Name Three Resources That Animals Compete For. 1. Food 2. Mate 3. Shelter
Name Three Resources That Plants Compete For. 1. Light 2. Water 3. Minerals
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