Greek and Latin Roots - Science


Flashcards on Greek and Latin Roots - Science, created by lonewolf on 04/02/2015.
Flashcards by lonewolf, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lonewolf over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
log Ex: geology word, reason, study
graph/gram Ex: paragraph write, draw, describe
scope Ex: telescope see
photo Ex: photograph light
phon Ex: phonograph sound
geo Ex: geology earth
tele Ex: television far, distant
phob Ex: claustrophobia fear
psych Ex: psychic mind, soul, spirit
cycl Ex: bicyle circle, ring
therm Ex: thermometer heat
mech Ex: mechianical machine
bio Ex: biography life
chron Ex: chronological time
opt Ex: optical visible
cardi Ex: cardiac heart
hydr Ex: hrdrophobic water
meter, metr Ex: meter measure
phys Ex: physical nature
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