Created by michelle danko
over 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
layers of the earth | |
oceanic- thinner, less dense, basalt Continental- thicker, more dense, granite | |
Th (binary/octet-stream)
Lithosphere made up of crust and upper mantle |
Moho (binary/octet-stream)
MOHO between crust and rigid mantle |
Esrt (binary/octet-stream)
Most common elements in crust |
Mantle (binary/octet-stream)
thickest layer, part solid, part liquid |
Asth (binary/octet-stream)
Plastic mantle layer in which convention occurs |
convection currents in the asthenosphere move the plates around | |
Core (binary/octet-stream)
Believed to be entirely liquid iron and nickel. Evidence is that S waves do not pass through this layer |
inner core solid iron and nickle highest density | |
Esrt10 (binary/octet-stream)
properties of earth's interior |
Graph (binary/octet-stream)
temperature and pressure increase as you travel deeper into the earth |
The lithosphere of the earth is broken up into plates which “float” on the plastic asthenosphere below | |
Theory developed in the mid-1900’s that explained all geologic observations including mountains, earth- quakes, volcanoes, and trenches | |
convergent move towards each other | |
Diver (binary/octet-stream)
Divergent move away from each other forms a ridge |
Trans (binary/octet-stream)
Transform slide past one another earthquakes found here |
Subd (binary/octet-stream)
Subduction zone (continental crust and oceanic crust) The oceanic crust beneath because it is more dense Volcanoes, mountains, earthquakes and trenches |
HOT SPOTS • There are locations on earth, away from plate boundaries, where volcanic activity occurs | |
Fold (binary/octet-stream)
fold |
Faults (binary/octet-stream)
fault |
Collision zone (continental crust and continental crust) colliding plates with same density crumple up as they collide • Mountains and earthquakes | |
Island Arc (oceanic crust and oceanic crust) two oceanic plates collide and one usually subducts Volcanic islands, earthquakes and trenches |
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