CMIS 351 Lesson 1: Information Systems and You


Lesson 1 Learning Objectives
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Flashcards by Adriana Vincelli-Joma, updated more than 1 year ago
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Created by Adriana Vincelli-Joma over 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Components of IS 1. hardware 2. software 3. data 4. procedures 5. people
Elements of MIS 1. development 2. IS 3. goals and objectives
Information systems (IS) vs. Information Technology (IT) IT: -raw technology -hardware, software, data components -by itself, will not help organization achieve goals/objectives -methods, inventions, standards, products IS: -system of hardware, software, data procedures, and people who produce info. -includes people
Role of ICT in Economy -provides products/services that other industries rely on to get their work done -supply services that improve business processes -areas: retail, manufacturing, insurance, banking, etc. -companies in ICT sectors: software and computer services, communications services, ICT manufacturing, ICT wholesaling -in 2011, ICT added $67.2 billion to Canadian GDP
How successful business professionals use IS basic IS: email, webpages, word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, IM and location-based services expand knowledge: mobile devices, project-management software, business graphics, collaborative systems core set of skills: technical skills, specific technology/industry experience, satisfactory communication skills
Changes technology bring to economy, organizations, and individuals Moore's Law: -created by Gordon Moore -number of transistors per square inch on integrated chip doubles every 18 months -power of computers has increased exponentially -cost of computers has declined over past 50 yrs Network Effects: -value of certain technologies increases as # of users increases -lock-in users and make it harder for them to switch technologies Other effects: -general shrinking of device size -tendency for ubiquity -adoption of location-based services
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