Geography TRF revision


Year 9 Geography Flashcards on Geography TRF revision, created by Mikey Lloyd on 04/02/2020.
Mikey Lloyd
Flashcards by Mikey Lloyd, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Oliver Faragher
Created by Oliver Faragher over 7 years ago
Mikey Lloyd
Copied by Mikey Lloyd over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many layers are there in the rainforest, what are they? 4: Shrub layer, Under Canopy, Canopy and emergent
Diagram of forest layers
What are the worlds main ecosystems? Rainforest, Tundra, Deciduous forest, Desert, Savannah, Plains / grassland
On a climate graph, what do the x, y and z axis contain? X = temperature Y = month Z = rainfall (mm)
What are the key features of the TRF? Evergreen, four distinct layers, wet but not dry season
What is the average temperature of the TRF? 21 - 27 degrees centigrade
Where are the worlds major tropical rainforests located? Brazil, Madagascar, Asia, Centeral America, Africa, Austrilasia
List several methods of sustainable development Seletive logging, replantation, reusing, recycling, education, reducing availablility
What are some of the effects of deforestation? Ecosystem collapse, loss of unique species, increased Carbon Dioxide levels resulting in global warming, less oxygen in the atmosphere, collapse of native culture
What are some of the reasons for deforestation? Money gain, clearing space for infrastructure, clearning space for transport, gaining access to mineral rich areas, agriculture
List some adaptions of plants on the forest floor Big leaves to gain more sun for photosythesis, angeled leaves / drip tips to let water run off reducing plant damage
What are some adaptions of emergent? Buttress roots to help stabilise, big leaves for the most sun, big branches to help support the massive leaves
What adaptions are common in rainforest animals? Strong limbs to climb trees, camouflage or incredibly colourful to show obvious threat, behavioural adaption to be nocturnal
What is the rainfall levels of the TRF on average per year? 200 to 1000 cm
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