I'm the King of the Castle - Kingshaw's personality and behavior


Kingshaw's personality and behavior in I'm the King of the Castle
Flashcards by suhhyun98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by suhhyun98 almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Isolated Hills portrays Kingshaw as an isolated character hence does not have anyone to talk to or rely on. -"he began to cry…He couldn’t stop. But there was nothing that he would say, nobody to say it to." -"He felt absolutely alone"
Isolated -"Kingshaw felt trapped." -"I-they'd make a fuss." - Kingshaw is separating himself with his 'family'. -‘He wanted to go to his mother…but he never did go to her …he made himself cope alone.’
Vulnerable and insecure He does not have any friends or peers to communicate with; he is unsure of himself and does not know what to do. In addition, the fact that his mother does not care about him makes him vulnerable. -”He was too vulnerable to let himself indulge in the making of enemies.“
Vulnerable and insecure -“stuffed the message fearfully into his trouser pocket.” -‘……………was unable to explain. All the things ……………had done and said were crowded inside his head but it was impossible to convey how terrible they were.’
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