Vocab Expanding


Flashcards on Vocab Expanding, created by Becca Dawrant on 03/03/2015.
Becca Dawrant
Flashcards by Becca Dawrant, updated more than 1 year ago
Becca Dawrant
Created by Becca Dawrant over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Repast (Noun) A meal or food
Perfunctory (Adj) Done routinely with little care
Opprobrium (Noun) Harsh criticism or disapproval
Mendicant (Noun) Person who lives by begging
Nascent (Adj) Beginning to exist
Flag (Verb) Become tired, weaker or less intense
Aggrandize (Verb) Increase in power, status or wealth
Specious (Adj) Deceptively attractive
Voluble (Adj) Energetic and rapid talking
Panegyric (Noun) Elaborate praise
Noisome (Adj) Extremely offensive smell
Interregnum (Noun) Time between two reigns
Seraphic (Adj) Pure, angelic and sublime
Penury (Noun) Extreme poverty
Hermetic (Adj) Protected from outside influences
Inculcate (Verb) Teach by frequent repetion
Laconic (Adj) Using very few words
Maelstrom (Noun) State of confused activities or emotions
Impecunious (Adj) Having little or no money
Foment (Verb) Instigate or stir up
Discern (Verb) Detect with the senses
Mirth (Noun) Happiness, gaiety and laughter
Orator (Noun) Eloquent and skilled public speaker
Castigate (Verb) Criticise harshly
Adulterate (Verb) Make impure by adding poor quality substances
Ostensible (Adj) Appearing true, but not necessarily so
Meretricious (Adj) Attractive in a cheap or false way
Ingrate (Noun) Ungrateful person
Canard (Noun) False story or report
Austere (Adj) Severe or strict in appearance
Fortuitous (Adj) Happening by chance
Hegemony (Noun) Dominance of one group over others
Ebullient (Adj) Lively and enthusiastic
Alacrity (Noun) Cheerful readiness
Equivocate (Verb) Be unclear in order to mislead
Contumacious (Adj) Stubbornly disobedient
Acidulous (Adj) Sharp-tasting or sour
Fecund (Adj) Fruitful in offspring or vegetation
Missive (Noun) A written message
Adroit (Adj) Very clever or skillful
Converge (Verb) Come together and meet
Disparity (Noun) Great difference
Scrupulous (Adj) Diligent, thorough and attentive to details
Immutable (Adj) Unchanging over time
Rancor (Noun) Bitter, long-lasting resentment
Misnomer (Noun) Incorrect or unsuitable name
Hedonist (Noun) One who lives for pleasure
Munificent (Adj) Extremely generous
Ineffable (Adj) Too great to be expressed in words
Peccadillo (Noun) Small offence or sin
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