Postrate Cancer (PC) [1]


Exam Final Prep
Sam Adeyiga
Flashcards by Sam Adeyiga, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Adeyiga
Created by Sam Adeyiga over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
For an American male, the lifetime risk of developing prostate cancer is ----- %, but the risk of dying of prostate cancer is only --------- %. a. 16% b. 2.9%
What is the role of 5 alpha-reductase in prostate cancer? 5 alpha-reductase is an enzyme that converts testosterone to its active form dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the prostate.
----------- testosterone and ---------- AR (androgen receptors) activation may account for the increased risk of prostate cancer 1. increased 2. increased
RFs for PC 1. Male 2. Race 3. Family Hx 4. high-fat diet 5. decreased vitamin D levels 6. access to healthcare
LH complexes act on ----- to stimulate production of testosterone and small estrogen. Leydig cell
FSH acts on the ------- within the testes to promote the maturation of LH receptors and to produce an androgen-binding protein. Sertoli cells
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) an enzyme that is involved in --------- preventing the coagulation of seminal (sperm) fluid.
PSA + a1-antichymotrypsin (endogenous protease inhibitor) = inactive PSA
American Urological Association (AUA) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommend screening (PSA and DRE) every ----- years be considered in all men between age ------ years. a. 2 years (every other year) b. 50 - 75 yrs
African-Americans and men with a strong family histories of prostate cancer shd consider screening starting at age -------? 45
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer (Localized Disease Stage I - II) Asymptomatic
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer (Localized invasive / Regional Disease) Stage III 1. Ureteral frequency 2. Ureteral hesitancy 3. Ureteral dribbling 4. Impotence 5. Blood in urine or semen
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer (Advanced Disease) Stage IV 1. Back pain 2. Cord compression 3. Lower-extremity edema 4. Pathologic fractures 5. Anemia 6. Weight loss
patients with a PSA > 20ng/mL, Gleason score > 8, or large primary tumors (T3-4) should receive a bone scan (CT or MRI) to assess for metastatic disease
Gleason Score 6 Well differentiated -slight anaplasia
Gleason Score 7 Moderately differentiated -moderate anaplasia
Gleason Score 8 - 10 Poorly differentiated -marked anaplasia
How do you calculate life expectancy? 1. (age * .5)/2 2. (65 * 50%) / 2 = 16.5 yrs 3. Health? then adjust by + 8 = 24 4. unhealthy? then adjust by -8 = (16 - 8) = 8yrs.
Trt for patients with a life expectancy of less than 5 years and without clinical symptoms ------- 1. further workup or 2. treatment may be delayed until symptoms develop (watchful waiting) 3. Monitoring involves a. PSA testing every 3 to 6 months, b. DRE every 6 to 12 months,
Trt for Localized (stage I-II) and locally invasive (stage III) prostate cancer 1. surgery (Radical prostatectomy) 2. radiation therapy a. external-beam RT b. brachytherapy *** Treatment is given over 8-9 weeks
Advanced prostate cancer (stage IV) No cure yet.
Brachytherapy involves -------? placing small radioactive pellets (often called seeds) into the prostate tissue
How does Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) work? 1. decrease prostate tissue exposure to testosterone and DHT. 2. ADT can be accomplished through medical or surgical castration (orchiectomy)
Two types of drugs used for medical castration are ------ 1. LHRH agonist (in combo w. antiandrogen) 2. LHRH antagonist
The therapeutic goal of medical castration is to achieve a serum testosterone ------? < 50 ng/dL
RFs of ADT are ----- 1. osteoporosis 2. insulin resistance 3. hypercholesterolemia 4. obesity 5. cardiovascular disease 6. depression 7. gynecomastia 8. hot flashes
-------------- may be used in patients with androgen-independent or castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Cytotoxic chemotherapies
Immunotherapies such as the ---------, is an option for asymptomatic advanced CRPC treatment. 1. autologous cancer vaccine 2. sipuleucel-T
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