The Economic Boom in San Fransisco Bay


A-level Geography (Regeneration) Flashcards on The Economic Boom in San Fransisco Bay, created by Jack Rowe on 25/05/2020.
Jack Rowe
Flashcards by Jack Rowe, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Rowe
Created by Jack Rowe over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the governmental attitudes towards the private sector lassie fare
What are the benefits of having a culturally vibrant city? -Attractive to young skilled workers. -Wealthy energetic aesthetic attractive to venture capitals. -Acceptance reduces social conflicts
Why is it beneficial to have a physical business presence in SF bay? -Creates a personal contact with clients and venture capitals to entice trade. -Advertises employment opportunities to those in the Uni's near by (SF, Berkley uni's)
What is the main employment sector in SF? -Quaternary industry in bioscience and technological advancements. -SF has become a global hub for innovation in biotechnology (Skilled employment)
Why is it becoming more attractive to businesses to locate in rural areas around SF rather than silicon valley? -Cheaper house and construction prices -More natural Aesthetic -Efficient transport systems make commuting easy
Explain Synergy The interconnectivity between companies and businesses which creates an efficient trading environment.
How many people does SF bio-science companies employ? >164,000 people
Give 3 economic opportunities found in SF -Synergy provides efficient trading environment for large businesses increasing revenue -Business incentives for new businesses fast-track start-ups -Abundant venture capital presence enables high investment rates ($11 million capital funding per year)
Give 3 social incentives in SF -Vibrant culture and nightlife very attractive to youthful populations. -welcoming and accepting culture reduces social conflict -natural and vibrant aesthetic improves QofL and biodiversity
Give an environmental advantage of SF -High investment into clean technology research increases environmental sustainability. -225 Clean Technology businesses employing 60,000 people
Why does synergy benefit efficiency of business? Increased competition of similar businesses such as that of YouTube (Bay area) and similar social media platforms
What is the average house price in SF $1.25 million
Give 3 economic costs of SF's economic boom -High relative poverty rates shown by poverty line sitting at an income of $250,000 -Housing shortages have hugely inflated costs of living and renting accomidation (Average house price of $1.35 million)
Give social costs of SF's economic boom -High Gini coefficient shows deprivation between richest and poorest -The loss of culture as a result of high costs of living making unsustainable living for arts performers etc -
What is the Potrero power station? An area of brown field on the central water front of SF. -Environmental burden
Give the economic opportunities in the regeneration of the potrero power station -2,400 new homes to address housing shortage (decrease housing costs) -2 million square feet of commercial space containing retail (accessible employment)
Give the social opportunities In the regeneration of the potrero power station -100,000 square feet of community facilities (maintain mental health) -6 acres of open spaces (parks etc) increase natural aesthetic and improve mental wellbeing
Give the environmental opportunities in the potrero power station regeneration 6 acres of open green space increase the natural biodiversity and provide local carbon sinks
what is the google affect? The negative socio-economic impacts on the less affluent population, of gentrification resulting from the boom in STEM industry
Give the social costs of the google affect -Increased segregation between different social groups. (Induces socio-economic divide) -Poor access to healthcare for the less affluent -increased infant mortality
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