Learn Thai_BowThai_Pronouns


General pronounce which everyone in Thailand understands when you use these but there are also many casual, spoken pronouns which people use differently.
Kusuma Bowthai
Flashcards by Kusuma Bowthai, updated 5 months ago
Kusuma Bowthai
Created by Kusuma Bowthai about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ผม Pŏm I, me (male)
ฉัน Chăn I, me (female)
หนู Nŭu I, me ( children use this while speaking to adults)
คุณ Kun You, Mr., Mrs., Miss
พี่ Pêe Older (brother, sister) ( call someone who is older than you)
น้อง Nóng Younger (brother, sister) (call someone who is younger than you)
เขา Kăo He or She
เธอ Ter She
พวกเขา Puâk-kăo They, Them
พวกเรา Puâk-rao We, Us
ป้า Bpâa aunty (or call someone who is older than your mother)
ลุง Lung uncle (or call someone who is older than your father)
ยาย Yaai Grand-mum (or call someone who is your grandmum age)
ตา Dtaa Grand-dad (or call someone who is your grand-dad age)
ของฉัน/ของผม kŏng- chăn kŏng pŏm mine
ของเขา kŏng-kăo his/hers
ของเธอ kŏng-ter hers
ของพวกเขา kŏng pûak-kăo theirs
ของพวกเรา kŏng pûak-rao ours
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