

Revision flashcards on Geography - Population and Settlement - Landuse - Counter-urbanisation inc. Ashley Case Study
Jess Molyneux
Flashcards by Jess Molyneux, updated more than 1 year ago
Jess Molyneux
Created by Jess Molyneux almost 10 years ago
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Question Answer
Give a brief locational description of Ashley, Cheshire. Green Belt zone surrounding Greater Manchester 20km south of centre Close to Dunham Massey and Tatton country parks
What happened in Ashley in the 1950s? Mechanisation of farming - unemployment Many young people and families moved to the city - industry and jobs Left much smaller, older population
What had Ashley's population decreased to by 1971? 843 people
When did the primary school in Ashley close? 1976
What other services shut down in Ashley? (Hint: there are 5) Taxi service Bakery Butcher's Greengrocer The bank
What happened in Ashley in the late 1970s? What is this process called? Counter-urbanisation Manchester workers with good jobs, and private cars began to move into the empty cottages in the village. Some could even afford to buy two and join them.
Define the term 'commuters'. People who travel on a regular basis to and from work and home.
How did this new influx of people impact upon the town? Very little Their children (if they had any) attended schools in Manchester (usually private), they didn't use local shops or the bus service.
Give reasons why counter-urbanisation to villages like Ashley may have occurred. Part one - Push factors (Hint: there are 6) Pollution, vandalism and congestion Prohibitive house prices Small, high density housing High cost of living High crime rate Lack of open space
Give reasons why counter-urbanisation to villages like Ashley may have occurred. Part two - Pull factors (Hint: there are 6) Growth in transport and communication Government policies (e.g. funding transport systems) New out-of-town business parks Large, low density housing Green space, gardens, attractive houses Quiet, ideal of country living
What happened to local services after this influx? The Post Office was forced to close in the 1980s, and the bus service was cut back.
Give some advantages of counter-urbanisation for a village like Ashley, Cheshire. (hint: there are 4, under one heading) Improvements (1999: Best Kept Village) Derelict buildings become well-maintained properties Individualisation (more attractive housing) Transport systems modernised (1983) Likely road resurfacing (wealthy influence)
Give some disadvantages of counter-urbanisation for a village like Ashley, Cheshire. (hint: there are 4) Original rural residents become isolated and have little access to amenities Local services (e.g. bus) reduced Becomes a dormitory village Increase in house prices (Average 1984: £34,000 2000: £290, 000)
Describe changes which have taken place in Ashley due to counter-urbanisation. (hint: there are 6) Essential services - luxurious ones Hoe Green Farm - riding school Birkin Farm - golf club Bakery - estate agent Butcher's - deli Post Office - antique shop Old barns and cottages renovated
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