Population pyramids and DTM


Flashcards on Population pyramids and DTM, created by 11amarriott on 28/04/2015.
Flashcards by 11amarriott, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 11amarriott over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the Demographic Transition Model? The study of population change
Define: a) Birth rate b) Death rate a) the number of births / 1000 people / year b) the number of deaths / 1000 people / year
What is the 'equation' for Natural change? Natural change = birth rate - death rate
State 5 things about STAGE 1 of the DTM, and give dates. >> High fluctuating due to . . . 1) war, famine + disease 2) lack of contraception 3) low life expectancy 4) no access to medicine 5) high infant mortality 1760
State 5 things about STAGE 2 of the DTM. >> EARLY EXPANDING due to . . . 1) The death rate has fallen 2) Medicine and hygiene have improved 3) Life expectancy is increasing 4) Economy relies on agriculture, so birth rate needs to be high for child labour. 1760 - 1880
State 5 things about STAGE 3 of the DTM. Countries are: -India - Brazil - Kenya >> Late expanding due to . . . 1) Medicine and hygiene improves 2) Birth rate falls - availability of contraception - no need for large family - children cost a lot. 1880 - 1940
State 5 things about STAGE 4 of the DTM, and give dates. Countries are: - UK - USA - France - Greece >> Low fluctuating due to . . . 1) Birth rate depends on economy - economy high > births increase - economy low > births decrease 2) Population growth slows down 1940 - today - - - POPULATION STARTS TO GROW - - -
State 5 things about STAGE 5 of the DTM, and give dates. Countries are: - Germany - Italy - Japan >> Natural decrease due to . . . 1) Ageing population 2) Birth rate slows down because women want a carrier. > projected future < - - - POPULATION MAY DECREASE - - -
MEDICAL factors affecting population growth. (3) 1) Vaccinations + medicine increase life exspectancy 2) Clean water + better hygiene so death rate decreases 3) Maternal healthcare improves so infant mortality decreases
POLITICAL factors affecting population growth. (3) 1) Government can persuade families to have 2 children 2) Some countries are encouraging women to have more children. 3) Some are limiting it: - India- 2 children (1930) - China- 1 child (1970)
WOMEN affecting population growth. (3) 1) Education improves- opputunities for women/ girls improve 2) Can have carriers and choose when to have a family. 3) 2014 >> 1 in 5 women are childless 1984 >> 1 in 10 . . . B.R. is increasing
EDUCATION factors affecting population growth. (3) 1) LEDCs >> the education for girls increase 2) MEDCs >> children are expensive, so there are smaller families to give children oppurtunities 3) Better educated societies have lower birth rates
AGRICULTURE factors affecting population growth. (4) 1) Countries in early stages of development relied on farming 2) Machinery - reduced no. of workers so: a) economy increases b) population decreases - people want smaller families
URBANISATION affecting population growth. (3) >> The movement of people from rural areas to urban areas << 1) LEDCs are likely to move to cities. 2) In the city there are: - more jobs - better housing - good schools - smaller families > but is percieved to be better than it is <
What is a census? It is a population survey which is reviewed every 10 years.
How are population pyramids arranged? - age structure - male/ female 1) 0-4 , 5-9 , 10-14 etc. 2) male (left) -- female (right)
What do/does a . . . 1) low / narrow APEX mean? 2) wide base mean? 3) curved-in sides of triangle mean? 4) curved-out sides mean? 1) low life expectancy 2) high birth rate 3) high infant/ child mortality 4) large no. of workers (30-40 yrs.)
Describe the trends of this population pyramid. This is stage 1 of the DTM and has a narrow apex, which shows that there is a high death rate and low life expectancy. The wide base shows a high birth rate and the sudden curves show that there is a high infant/ child mortality rate.
Describe the trends of this population pyramid. Give one example of a country. This population pyramid is stage 2 of the DTM and still has a wide base, so there is still a high birth rate. The sides are not as curved as stage 1 so infant/ child mortality is falling. The apex is wider so life expectancy is improving, and death rate is falling. This stage is called 'Early expanding'. e.g. Congo
Describe the trends of this population pyramid. Give one example of a country. This population pyramid is stage 3 f the DTM and has a narrower base than stages 1 and 2, which shows that birth rate is decreasing, and the straight sides show that infant/ child mortality is falling. The apex is still becoming wider, so life expectancy is still improving, and death rate is falling gradually. This stage is called 'late expanding'. e.g. Brazil
Describe the trends of this population pyramid. Give one example of a country. This population pyramid is stage 4 of the DTM and the base becomes narrower, so birth rate slows down and infant/ child mortality. There is a lot of 30-40 year olds, so that provides the dependants with money, as they rely on them. The apex still is widening and life expectancy continues to increase. This stage is called 'low fluctuating'. e.g. UK, USA
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