unit 4 revision notes


Finley Clark
Flashcards by Finley Clark, updated more than 1 year ago
Finley Clark
Created by Finley Clark over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Data Protection Act (1998) this act specifies the rules about collecting and keeping hold of data, data must be processed fairly and lawfully data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive
Computer Misuse Act (1990) Designed to prosecute hackers who gain access to computers without consent which is illegal. Software developers should not create programs that are capable of gaining unauthorized access to other programs or data.
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) this law protects the owner of a creative work by giving them full rights to it © Copyright Finley Clark this means that you are not allowed to copy or redistribute this work
Creative Commons Licensing this is used when an author gives others the wrights to there work. This could be, for example, a set of lesson plans or a book, play or video they have written or made
Freedom of Information Act 2000 In 2000, a new law was passed to give people access to data held by public authorities
next few are computers in modern world
The importance of computer systems 50-60 years ago not a lot of businesses/ organizations relied on computers other than a pay roll system.
Growth of computer technology in 1980 most people began to have a computer at there desk
The 1990s When people began surfing the web, they were using three or four computers at once
Artificial intelligence these are technique such as the ones AlphaGo use like: recognizing faces, translate between languages, show relevant advertisements online and drive cars.
What jobs can robots do? Accountants, cashiers, sports referees, legal secretaries and cleaners are already being replaced by robots.
Computers in healthcare there are 100,000+ smartphone healthcare apps, and alot of wearable technology
The Healthcare Robot Mabu is a health care robot. he was introduces about 1-2 years ago, he sits on your desk/bedside table as a personal healthcare robotIn Japan and South Korea, childminding robots are being developed these are dangerous because of malfunctions.
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