El Tiempo


weather expressions
Kate Lawson
Flashcards by Kate Lawson, updated more than 1 year ago
Kate Lawson
Created by Kate Lawson about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
¿Qué tiempo hace? What is the weather like?
Hace buen tiempo. It's good weather.
Hace mal tiempo. It's bad weather.
Hace sol. Está (parcialmente) soleado. It is sunny. It is (partly) sunny.
Está nublado. It's cloudy.
Hace viento. It is windy.
Llueve. Está lloviendo. (It is raining.) Está lluvioso. (It is rainy.) It's raining.
Nieva. Está nevando. (It is snowing.) Está nevado. (snowy) It's snowing.
Hay tormentas. Está tormentoso. (It is stormy.) It is storming.
Hay relámpagos. There is lightning.
Hay neblina. There is fog/It is foggy.
Describe la temperatura: Hace calor. It's hot.
Hace frio. It's cold.
Hace fresco. It is cool.
Describe la temperatura con números: ¿Qué es la temperatura hoy? (What is the temperature today?) Son __(número)___ grados hoy.
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