Final Review Erin Miller


Flashcards by erinimiller, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by erinimiller over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Amendment A change or addition added to a document
Assimilate to change to fit into a new or different group
Bias To believe ones side without reasoning
Bicameral 2 houses in government
Blockade blocking off an area to prevent goods or people from entering
Boomtown a town with rapid growth
Capitalism an economic system in which trade and business is controlled by a private owner for more profit
Captain of industry business person who contributes positively to the country
Checks and balances Government is split into three different fractions so all of the power and decision making isn't in the hands of one person
Congress National legislative body of a country
Due process of law Fair jury trial
Economics the division of knowledge having to do with production, use and transfer
emancipated freed from work or groups
enfranchise given the right to vote
Federalism the idea of a federal organization of self governing
forty-niners someone who participated in the California gold rush
Free enterprise an economic system where private business owners are competitive and free of state control
habeas corpus allowing a person to be brought before a judge
industry business that has to do with the processing of raw materials, and goods made in a factory
Judicial a branch of government that explains laws
kkk a secret organization that after the civil war that was against the freedom of blacks
manifest destiny a belief that it was destiny for the u.s. to expand its territory
martyr killed because of beliefs
Monopoly control over multiple businesses
Nomadic someone who has no permanent home and moves from place to place
override to decide against a suggestion
popular sovereignty people are the source of the governments power
Ratify to confirm and make something officially valid
Radical someone who has very extreme views from the normal
republican one of two political parties being very conservative and independent (hold popular sovereignty)
enumerated not listed
robber baron someone who has great fortune during the 19th century through heartless decisions
Rural describing the countryside rather the the city
Separation of powers giving different powers to different branches of government so all the choices arent given to one person to one person to decide
Social Darwinism the smartest, fitest and ones with the best qualities will live the longest
Suffrage the right to vote in a political election
Supreme Court the highest court system in a state
Tariff a tax to be paid on a certain class of imports or exports
Taxation without representation colonists were not allowed to choose representative and pass laws where they taxed parliament.
Trade union formed to protect and further the rights of a citizen
Urban relating to a city or town with many people
veto to reject a proposal made
Thomas Jefferson Founding father third president wrote some of the declaration of independence first secretary of state responsible for Louisiana purchase
Andrew Jackson 17th president common man cause of the trail of tears tariffs battle of New Orleans
Sacagawea interpreter also know as bird women had 2 kids helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition saved important documents that went overboard
James Polk 11th president expanded borders of U.S. borders to the pacific ocean added 3 states to the union
Frederick Douglass wrote a autobiography escaped slavery
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote uncle toms cabin abolitionist sold over 300,000 copies antislavery book
John brown abolitionist terrorist to the south wanted to capture federal arsenal from the south at Harper ferry-later known as the Harper's Ferry raid
Robert E. Lee leader of the confederate army in Virginia surrendered in 1865
Andrew Johnson 17th president vice president when lincoln was assassinated known as the veto president
Susan B. Anthony women's rights advocates lead the first convention
Sitting Bull lead his people as a tribal chief fought instead of ran fought off settlers Fort larmie treaty
george custer us army officer first bull run cavalry commander custers last stand(his men were killed)
Cornelius Vanderbilt businessman built his wealth in railroads and shipping
John Rockefeller He was a co-founder of the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry and was the first great U.S. business trust.
Andrew Carnegie expanded the steel industry used his wealth to build local libraries men killed for protest long working hours and low pay
Jamestown boomtown tobacco crops good soil
plymouth mayflower arrived here pilgrims settled here English colony
Lexington and concord start of the revolutionary war April 19, 1775 paul revere sounded the alarm
erie canal first major form of transportation man made 363 miles from Albany, New York, on the Hudson River
alamo battle in which everyone dies mexican invaders overpowered texas out numbered
harpers ferry John brown led a raid here to free slaves 21 men total John Brown was defeated
Fort sumter Confederate 80 soldiers union 500 soldiers first shots were fired no one killed
Gettysburg the battle of gettysburg 51,112 deaths union victory gettysburg address was given here
appomattox court house union victory 700 deaths lee surrenders
Ford's theater where abraham lincoln was assinated
promontory point, utah the Union and central pacific railroads joined their rails at promontory summit, utah first transcontinental railroad.
ellis island and angel island federal immigration station Millions of newly arrived immigrants passed through the station
Declaration of Independence all men are created equal all men have some rights given to them by God life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 1776
revolutionary war war of independence 1775–1783 13 colonies
articles of confederation first written constitution of the United States ratified on March 1, 1781.
great comprimise the idea of proportional representation in the House of Representatives and equal representation of the states in the Senate.
passing of the constitution add text
adding the bill of rights 1791 added 10 new rights did not agree to the constitution unless they made the bill of rights giving rights the individual people
Louisiana purchase gained 828,000 square miles doubled size added 15 new states When France was defeated by the Haitians napoleon, France's ruler at the time thought that the Louisiana Territory no longer seemed like such a prize. Thomas Jefferson hoping to get some land from France was surprised when he was offered thousands of square miles at such a low cost
Missouri Comprimise Henry Clay allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter the Union as a free state. drew an imaginary line at 36 degrees 30 minutes north latitude
indian removal act signed by President Andrew Jackson states were greedy about getting land that belonged to the Indian tribes moved indians to new land and a lot of them died along the way
Mexican American war started after Texas became a state because they were having trouble deciding where the Mexican – American border should be led up to another victory for the United States signed The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo stating that Mexico had to give up their territory of California and New Mexico for 15 million Dollars
California Gold Rush gold discovered in california very few people made money huge scramble for mineral wealth miss treatment of asians transformed the landscape
Homestead act opened up land in the U.S. gave any American, including freed slaves the opportunity to claim federal land 15,000 homestead claims had been established
industrial revolution time period following the civil war in which congress passed laws designed to rebuild the country and bring southern states back into the union.
underground railroad secret routes leading to safe houses for slaves harriet tubman was the leader of this
seneca falls convention lead by elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott over 300 men and women came to Seneca Falls first women's rights convention
Compromise of 1850 admitted California as a free state and separately organized the territories of Utah and New Mexico without restrictions on slavery. abolished the slave trade
Kansas-nebraska act created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska opened up new land could decide whether slavery would be allowed in their new state
dred scott vs sanford Claimed that he was free because he moved to Illinois and Minnesota sued slave owner for abuse federal court ruled that dred scott was a citizen supreme court did not
Fugitive slave act allowed the capture and return of runaway slaves within the territory of the United States
bleeding Kansas the period of violence during the settling of the Kansas territory Proslavery and free-state settlers flooded into Kansas to try to influence the decision whether the land would be slave or non slave
Civil war The Civil War was fought between the Northern states and the Southern states from 1861-1865
Emancipation proclamation all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are free
Draft riots congress passed a law making all men between 20 -45 able to fight in the war when they enforced it people were made and they was a big fight.
Gettysburg address a pep talk given to the union soldiers during the middle of the war not to give up. This speech was given by abe lincoln.
Reconstruction the time period following the civil war in which congress passed laws designed to rebuild the country and bring southern states back to the union
13th 14th 15th 13th abolishes slavery 14th african american citizenship 15th allowed african americans to vote
Completion of transcontinental railroad finished in 1869 meet in utah mainly chinese workers built it
indian wars conflicts between American settlers or the United States government and the native peoples of North America in 1890
Gilded age era of rapid economic growth attracted millions of immigrants helped workers
populist party rich people and rich corporations
plessy vs ferguson laws allowing o racial segregation in public such as schools, public transportation, restrooms, and restaurants.
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