DT - GCSE Glossary


DT Glossary and Terms
Flashcards by rjapmann, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rjapmann almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Wood Wood is the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub, used for fuel or timber.
Aesthetics How we respond to visual appearance.
Alloys Mixtures of two or more metals.
Annealing The process of heating metals and allowing them to cool slowly, relieving internal stresses.
Annual Ring Growth Ring produces each year as a tree grows.
Batch Production A method of production where a limited number of identical goods are produced, often for a specific order.
Bespoke A product that has been made to order.
Bevel A sloping surface or edge.
Billet Small bar of metal that needs further processing.
Biofuel A fuel derived from living organic matter.
Biomass Organic matter that can be used to make fuel.
Bluetooth A wireless technology that uses short-range radio frequency transmissions.
Built-in Obsolescence When a product is made with components that are known to fail after a specific period.
Cascamite A type of adhesive supplied as a powder.
Case-Hardening A process in which the surface of a piece of steel is hardened by carburising.
Coniferous Cone bearing/ pine trees.
CNC Computer Numerical Control. A type of programmable automation, directed by mathematical data, which uses microcomputers to carry out various machining operations.
Composites A group of materials made from a combination of 2 or more different materials, in layers or as a mixture.
Compressive Strength Ability of a material to withstand crushing.
Cross-Links Chains of molecules that link together with bonds to form a rigid structure.
Cupping Become curved across width of plank.
Datum A flat face or straight edge from which all measurements are taken.
Deforming A process that allows materials to change shape without changing state. e.g. Vacuum forming.
Die Stock A tool used to hold a split die.
Dimentional Stability Having dimensions that will not change when subject to extreme environmental conditions.
Draft Angle The tapered side of a mould.
Ductile Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out.
Durability The ability of a material to withstand wear, pressure or damage.
Elasticity A materials ability to recover its initial shape after the deforming force has been removed.
Electrical Insulator A material in which current cannot move freely.
Electrolysis The process of decomposing a chemical compound by the passage of an electric current.
Engineer's Blue A liquid to coat metals before marking out.
EPOS Electronic Point of Sale
Extruded When a material is forced through a machinery die to form a specific shape (i.e. synthetic fiber).
Face Edge The surface at the right angles to the face side.
Face Side The side chosen to take measurements from.
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