iGCSE Math


O Math Flashcards on iGCSE Math, created by Ringisai Campbell on 06/05/2015.
Ringisai Campbell
Flashcards by Ringisai Campbell, updated more than 1 year ago
Ringisai Campbell
Created by Ringisai Campbell about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Circle Area= πr2 Circumference= 2πr
Probility Put in percentage, or fraction or decimal. P= the number of ways an event can occur/ the total number of possible outcomes
Measurement Units 100mm=1cm 100cm=1M 1000M=1km kilo-> 1000
Persentages converting: 65%=0.65=16/25 In/decrease: actual de(in)crease/orginal amount *100
Numbers Rational: is a number that can be written as a simple fraction Multiples: is the product of any quantity and an integer Fractors: numbers that you can multiply together to get another number Primes: can only be divided by 1 or itself. LCM: lowest common multiple HCF: highest common factor
Factorising 2x²-1x-6 =(2x+3)(x-2)
Triganometry (SOHCAHTOA) SOHCAHTOA Silly Old Hagrid Caught A Hippogriff Trotting Over Apples Sin=oposite/hypothenuse Cos= ajasent/hypothenuse tan= opposite/ajasent
Trigonometry Area If we know the height we can use: A= 1/2×ab×sin(c
Averages Mode: most common Median: the middle number when arranged in acceding order. Range: spread of data mean: all numbers divided by amount of numbers.
Angles acute= 0° to 90° obtuse=90° to 180° reflex=180° to 360° right angle=90°
Shears & Stretch
Pie charts and Percentage. Percentage= frequency/total frequency ×100
Probability tree
Box Plots
Quadratic Equations ax ²+bx+c=0
Shapes 3 side- triangle-180° 4-quadrilateral-360° 5-pentagon-540° 6-hexagon-720° 7-heptagon-900° 8-octagon-1080° 9-nonagon-1260° 10-decagon-1440°
Pythagoras therum a²+b²=c²
Volume cube = a ³ rectangular prism = a b c irregularprism = b×h cylinder = b h = pi r ² h pyramid = (1/3) b h cone = (1/3) b h = 1/3 pi r ² h sphere = (4/3) pi r ³
Transforming Curves In general, if we start with y = f(x), then:- y = f(x) + a translates f(x) 'a' units in the y-direction (translation 0 over a)
Quadratic sequences If you use the formula n2 + n to make a sequence, it means that: When n = 1 you get 12 + 1 = 2 When n = 2 you get 22 + 2 = 6 When n = 3 you get 32 + 3 = 12
Circle thereoms
Trigonometry (flowchart)
Sine and Cosine Rules The sine rule: a/SinA= b/SinB= c/SinC or SinA/a= a/SinA= b/SinB The cosine rule: a ²=b ²+c ²-2bc×Cos(c
Upper and lower bound Upper bound: the highest possible number when rounding Lower bound: the lowest possible number when rounding ie- 75 Upper= 75.499 Lower= 54.5
Fractions Add:1/2 + 2/3 = 3/6 + 4/6 =7/6 = 1 1/6 Subtract: 2/3 - 1/2 =4/6 -3/6= 1/6 Multiply: 1/2 × 2/3 =2/6 =1/3 Divide: 1/2 ÷ 2/3=1/2 × 3/2= 3/4 Fractions of amounts: 2/5 of 100 100 ÷ 5=20 20×2= 40
Multiplying Matrix
2×2 Matrix Step 1 calculate ad-bc Step 2 Swap the positions of a and d, change the signs of b and c. Step 3 Multiply the new matrix by 1/determinant
Adding Matrices
Subtracting Matrices
Sets and Vendiagrams
Rectangle area= length x width perimeter=(length*2) + (length*2)
Triangle area= 1/2 * base * height perimeter= add up all sides
Trapezium area= sum of parallel/2 *height
Functions f(x)=
Symetry Line of symmetry> Rotational symmetry (how many times do you have to turn it to be the same)
The four rules (BODMAS)
Squares and Square-roots (−5) × (−5) = 25 5 × 5 = 25 6 × 6 = 36, so √36 = 6
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