F585 Definitions Extract 2 (& a bit of 3)


Flashcards on F585 Definitions Extract 2 (& a bit of 3), created by Milikani Moyo on 10/05/2015.
Milikani Moyo
Flashcards by Milikani Moyo, updated more than 1 year ago
Milikani Moyo
Created by Milikani Moyo almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Net trade the balance of trade in goods and services. it is the main component of the current account (X-M)
Competitiveness the price of UK exports compared to other countries products
Bloc a group of countries who unite for trade e.g. EU
Trade Bloc a group of countries who agree to reduce trade barriers on each others exports e.g. by eliminating tariffs and quotas
Economic Integration the process of blurring the boundaries that separate economic activity in one nation state from that in another
Trade creation when high cost domestic producers are replaced by low cost imports from efficient partner countries during integration
Trade Diversion when economic integration results in low cost producers outside the integrated area being replaced by high cost producers in partner nations
Trade Barriers barriers and restrictions on the import or export of products
Terms of Trade the price of a country's exports relative to the price of its imports. the terms of trade can be measured using the formula: ToT = index of average X prices/ index of average M prices * 100
Unit Labour Costs (ULC) the cost of labour per unit of output, includes the social cost of employing labour as well as the wage costs
Protectionism government policies that create barriers to trade e.g. tariffs and quotas
Productivity the amount of output created per unit input used
Productivity Gap the differences in productivity levels between different countries
Productive Efficiency when productivity is maximised from given inputs. this means products are made at the lowest possible unit costs (MC=AC)
Supply Side Policy government measures designed to increase productive capacity and so increase aggregate supply
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) a multinational in one economy acquires a lasting interest in a business in another economy, international investment
Free Trade an agreement between 2 or more countries to abolish tariffs in the new bloc
Multinational corporation (MNC) a firm that operates in more than one country
Flexible Labour Market a labour market that adjusts quickly and smoothly to changes in the demand for and supply of labout
World Trade Organisation (WTO) an international body responsible for negotiating trade agreements and 'policing' the rules of trade to which its members sign up. Trade disputes between members are settled by the WTO
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