World Religions Test 2


Grade 10 World Religions Flashcards on World Religions Test 2, created by L S on 01/11/2020.
Flashcards by L S, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by L S over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
One God (Judaism) Abraham made covenant to follow only one god God created covenant with Moses on Mount Sinai This outlined loyalty (as god rescued them from Egypt), no other worship and rituals to celebrate god God is sometimes called Jehovah
One People (Judaism) Due to the covenants with God, Jewish people are God's chosen people There is a verse about this in the Torah Conversion into Judaism is uncommon, to be considered Jewish you must be born into a Jewish family
One Holy Land (Judaism) Israel During Moses's life as a Hebrew he sought to develop a community in the Promised Land
One Law (Judaism) Torah God passed Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai Written in Hebrew Includes creation of world, god's call to Abraham, 10 commandments, Rescue from slavery in Egypt and Finding promise land Torah Scroll is holy never touched with bare hands has velvet wrapping
Anti-Semitism (Judaism) Hostile behaviour towards Jews because they are Jewish Romans viewed them as a threat because they believed in one god Christians blamed them for black death
Zionism (Judaism) International movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish community in Palestine and later for the support of Israel
Reformed Jews Jews easing into mainstream societies Jewish law is guidelines but not restrictions 30% of population
Conservative Jews In the middle of the extremes Jews should adapt to modern life but traditions should never be compromised 30% of population
Orthodox Jews Follow Torah and Jewish law very heavily Everything should be strictly followed 40% of population
Rosh Hashannah (Judaism) Head of the year/ Jewish New year Day of prayer, festive meals and candle lighting in the evening Hearing the Shafar (Ram's Horn) Tashlich Ceremony (Body of water) Bread/ Apple in honey for sweet year Torah is read
Yom Kippur (Judaism) Holiest Day of the year/ Day of Atonement 26 Hours Fast and other restrictions Day before is for feasting Day spent in synagogue and prayer God decides fate Forgiveness Afflict the soul
Passover (Judaism) Also known as Pesach and lasts 8 days Commemorates freedom for Egypt God passed over Jewish houses when killing Egyptian firstborns No Chametz (grain), matzah is eaten 2 Seder meals Recitation of Haggadah Freedom and Liberation
Hanukkah (Judaism) Chanukah Festival of Lights/ Dedication Nightly Menorah lighting by door & window Food fried in oil Rededication of holy temple Dreidel game Giving Gelt (gifts of money $$$)
Bar/ Bat Mitzvah (Judaism) Becoming a Jewish adult & accountable Son of commandment Synagogue celebration The Torah is read (in Hebrew) Tefillin is worn on head and arms Festive meal with family and friends Celebration with music
Kosher Diet (Judaism) Dietary laws all year round Meat cannot be eaten with dairy No grape products made by non-Jews Pig and Shellfish are forbidden Of certain animals no flesh, organs, eggs and milk
Mezuzah (Judaism) Container in which the verses of the Torah are written on On door post to remind you of your covenant with god Marks it's a Jewish household
Sabbath (Judaism) Based on creation stories of Genesis Friday night & Saturday is time set aside for prayer with family and friends Begins at sunset Lighting of candle (let there be light) Sabbath dinner includes Challah bread
Synagogue (Judaism) Jewish place of worship
Ner Tamid (Judaism) Eternal Light Always Burning God's peace Hangs from the top
Ark (Judaism) Cupboard that holds the Torah Scrolls
Menorah (Judaism) Candelabrum 7-9 candles depending on what type of worship
Tablets of the laws (Judaism) 2 pieces of stone Inscribed with the 10 commandments
Jesus's Birth (Christianity) Born in a barn Angels came Mary and Joseph Wise men bringing gifts
Jesus's Death and Resurrection (Christianity) Conflict with Jewish/Roman authorities lead to death by crucifixion 3 days after his death Jesus resurrects from his tomb and appears to his disciples After 40 days he returns to heaven
Why did Jesus come to earth (Christianity) New relationship with god (Life) Redemption of Humanity (Death on the cross) New life in Christ (Resurrections) Switching Allegiance/New king
Orthodox Christians Eastern Church Greek, Russian, Coptic and other national churches of Eastern Europe, North Africa and Asia
Roman Catholics Western Church Unified under the pope (bishop of Rome) Throughout Western Europe and America Over 900 Million
Protestant Christians Many were unhappy about how the pope used religion to control money and power Martin Luther was a Christian Monk He wrote 95 points and put them on the Church The 95 theses was sent all over Germany and Europe Created Protestant Christians Didn't have a leader and translated Bible from Latin to any language
Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) First section of the bible God's creation of the world
New Testament (Christianity) Written after Jesus's death by his followers Four Gospels (good words): birth, life, teaching, acts, death, resurrection Book of Acts of the apostles(early history) Epistles (letters) addressed to churches Book of Revelation (vision of future/ plan)
The Trinity (Christianity) God the Father: Residing in heaven (same god worshiped by Jews and Muslims) God the Son: Jesus the Christ who came down from heaven to dwell among us as one of us God the Holy Spirit: Holy Ghost, the spirit of god residing within everyone who accepts the sacrifice of Christ and becomes a Christian COMMUNION WITH GOD THE FATHER IS THROUGH THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT
Church Christian Place of Worship
Chapel Part of an institution
Cathedral Has a bishop's chair
Altar (Christianity) Where communion is celebrated
Sanctuary (Christianity) Where the altar is located Called a Chancel
Cross (Christianity) Protestant Represents Resurrection
Crucifix (Christianity) Roman Catholic Death on the cross
Font (Christianity) Used for Baptism Found at front of the church
Lecturn (Christianity) Where the bible is proclaimed Often in the shape of an eagle
Pulpit (Christianity) Raised platform where sermon is preached
Icons (Christianity) Sacred images of Jesus or other holy figures "Windows into god"
Stained Glass Windows (Christianity) Tell stories from the bible
Advent (Christianity) Preparation for Christmas Awaiting the Messiah 4 Weeks long Advent wreath has 5 candles that represent hope, peace, joy, love and Christ candle Advent Calendars
Christmas (Christianity) Celebration of the birth of Jesus 12 days long (Dec 25-jan 6) Midnight Mass (Xmas Eve) 9 Lessons and Carols Christmas Pageant Usual Christmas activities were adopted by non-Christians
Lent (Christianity) 40 days leading up to Easter Commemorates Jesus being tempted by the devil in the desert (using power for personal gain, testing god, turning away from god for worldly power) Shrove Tuesday (Pancake & Mardi Gras) Ash Wednesday (On forehead) Fasting (Giving up a luxury)
Holy week (Christianity) Commemorates Jesus's last week Palm Sunday retelling of Jesus Triumphal, entry to Jerusalem (Palm crosses, procession with palms) Maundy Thurs- commemorates Jesus's last supper, Maundy-> Latin Maundatum (Foot washing, stripping of altar) Good Friday Jesus's death on the cross (stations of the cross)
Easter (Christianity) Commemorates Jesus's resurrection Easter Vigil- lighting of paschal candle Dawn service- sunrise bonfire Flowering of the cross- destruction into beauty Paschal candle has the year, alpha & omega (first and last letter of Greek alphabet as god represents beginning and end) , 5 marks (where Jesus was sphered) and cross
Shahadah (Islam) Declaration of faith "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger"
Salat (Islam) 5 daily prayers Fair (dawn), Dhuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (Evening), Isha (Night) Adha- call to prayer face Mecca in their prayer Wudu- ritual washing before prayer
Sawm (Islam) 9th month of Islamic calendar 28 days from sighting of new money Angel Gabriel Revealed verses of Qur'an Ends with Eid-Al Fitr No eating, drinking, arguing, swearing, lying, smoking, waste of time or music Suhoor- light meal before dawn Iftar- break fast at end of day
Zakat (Islam) Giving to charity/ needy 2.5% of their wealth Thanking God You cannot take wealth when you die Everything belongs to Allah
Hajj (Islam) Pilgrimage to Mecca Once a year Largest annual gathering of people on earth Kaaba is the focal point of mecca, where god is worshipped Sacred journey
Halal/ Haram (Islam) Halal: permissible or allowed Haram: Sinful or not allowed
Mosque (Islam) Muslim place of worship
Qur'an (Islam) Recitation Revealed word of god through angel Gabriel to Muhammad Muhammad dictated revelations to scribes and companions Principle source of Muslim faith and practice
Sunni Muslims 85% of Muslims leader can be chosen by a consensus by the followers Islam law was codified and closed to interpretation by about 1000 CE
Shia Muslims 15% of Muslims Leaders are a direct descendant of Muhammad Religious leaders have right to interpret the Islamic law
Shariah Law (Islam) Path leading to the source of water, system of morals
7 Sacraments (Christianity) Baptism- initiation Confirmation- receiving the holy spirit Matrimony- marriage Holy orders- becoming a deacon, priest or bishop Holy communion receiving bread &wine Annoting of the sick- healing phys/emoti Reconciliation- confession of sins
Minaret (Islam) Tower connected to mosque
Minbar (Islam) Deliver sermons
Mihrab (Islam) Semicircular niche that decorates the Qiblah wall
Qiblah (Islam) direction of the Kaaba in Mecca
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