Euthanasia Flashcards


A-Level Philosophy and ethics Flashcards on Euthanasia Flashcards, created by Rachel Wallace on 18/05/2015.
Rachel Wallace
Flashcards by Rachel Wallace, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Wallace
Created by Rachel Wallace about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of Euthanisia Ending of life because a person is in pain and suffering
What are the three types of euthanasia? Voluntary - with consent, no force Non-voluntary - Without consent, in a coma, medical/family involved. Involuntary - done against the patients wishes
What is active and passive euthanasia? active - doing something deliberately to end a persons life. passive - stopping doing something - withdrawing food or water - so the patient ultimately dies
How is the SOL involved? Life is sacred. Treat life with reverence & respect. God given. 10 commandments
What is the QOL of viewpoint on euthanasia? allowing doctors to play God with DNR on patients files. Hard to judge as it's subjective. Some want to end their lives due to feeling like a burden. Singer - human life varies & depends on its quality. If a patient considers that they have a low QOL this justifies them taking their life or getting someone else to do it for them.
How does a person in PVS view euthanasia? Are they still human? Slippery slope effect - beings legit & ends up just killing people as someone decides that their QOL justifies ending it. Compassion and feelings?
What does Mill say about autonomy? People should have full autonomy over their body so long as it does no harm to others.
What does John Locke say? A person has absolute rights over their body.
What do those that support euthanasia say about autonomy? They believe that personal autonomy is vital.
What does James Rachels say about the SOL? It places too much value on human life and is unhelpful with euthanasia.
Explaint he QOL argument from a relativist judgement. Enables the amount of pain involved, the imminence of death and whether life holds any pleasure for the individual to be taken into account.
From Singer's point of view, is the QOL or SOL argument more helpful when making life and death decisions? More helpful to focus on QOL.
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