Geography Skills


9 Geography Flashcards on Geography Skills , created by Bronte Simpson on 25/05/2015.
Bronte Simpson
Flashcards by Bronte Simpson, updated more than 1 year ago
Bronte Simpson
Created by Bronte Simpson almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are Eastings The vertical lines are called Eastings on area and grid reference
What are Northings Horizontal lines are called northings on area and grid referencings.
How do you work out Area Reference This is the four digit reference. The dot is in the bottom left corner
How do you work out Grid Reference? has six numbers. the point is somewhere in the square
what are contour lines? it is the value between the contour lines. when lines are evenly spaced then it is a constant slop.when the lines are closer together it means that there is a steep slop.when the line are far apart it means that it is a flat area
what is Contour interval?
what are some rules for climate statistic charts? find the annual range annual average rainfall range rainfall on the left temperature on the right
how do you find the annual range? subtract the smallest value from the largest value from the months
how do you find the annual average rainfall? is the average rainfall for the year. Add up all the average monthly rain together.
how to find the range? t find the range subtract the smallest value from the largest value
where is the temperature mean't to go? temperature on the right, on a line graph. place the points in the middle of all the squares. join the points together in a smooth line
where does rainfall go on a graph? rainfall on the left. Column graph
what are troughs and ridges? they are both marked by a dashed line on a synoptic chart. A ridge occurs when a high pressure system is between 2 low pressure systems. A trough occurs when an area of low pressure extends between 2 high pressure systems. often brings rain
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