Cellbiologi - membrane


Flashcards on Cellbiologi - membrane, created by Tova A on 03/02/2021.
Tova A
Flashcards by Tova A, updated more than 1 year ago
Tova A
Created by Tova A over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cell/Plasma membrane functions • Physical and protective barrier • Regulate transport • Allow cell-recognition and cell communication • Mechanical properties (continuity, capacity for movement and expansion) • Internal membrane (eukaryotes) (enclosing an intracellular compartment, differences in protein membranes – responsible for giving each organelle its distinctive character)
Vilken fosfolipid är vanligast? phosphatidylcholine
3 main types of membrane lipids - phospolipids - cholesterol - glykolipid
På vilka sätt kan lipid molekylerna flytta på sig i membranet? Lateral difussion Flexion Rotation Flip-flop
Hur påverkar längden på fettkedjan fluiditeten? Längre => mer interaktioner => mindre flytande
Hur reguleras fluiditeten hos djurceller? Av kolesterol
Var syntetiseras nya membran lipider? På cytosol sidan av ER
scramblase Flyttar fosfolipider mellan de båda lagrena för att få en symmetrisk form
Flippases flyttar specifika fosfolipider mellan de båda lagrena => assymetriskt cellmembran med olika typer av lipider på båda sidorna
Orientation of membrane proteins is... crucial for their function
Var finns glykolipiderna? Uteslutande i icke-cytosol lagret
Vilka molekyler kan ta sig genom cellmembranet och vilka kan inte det? Kan ta sig igenom: - små opolära molekyler - väldigt små polära (oladdade molekyler) Kan inte ta sig igenom: - större opolära molekyler - laddade molekyler
Vad har membran proteinerna för funktion? Transportprotein, receptorer, enzym, "anchor"
På vilka olika sätt kan proteiner vara "fästa" i membranet? Integral membrane proteins: Transmembrane, monolayer associated alfa helix, lipid-linked Peripherical membrane proteins: proten-attached
Cell cortex The cell cortex, also known as the actin cortex or actomyosin cortex, is a specialized layer of cytoplasmic protein on the inner face of the plasma membrane of the cell periphery. It functions as a modulator of plasma membrane behavior and cell surface properties. Meshwork of fibrous proteins attached to the membrane via transmembrane proteins
Glykocalyx carbohydrate layer Sugar coat at the non-cytosolic (extracellular) side Glycolipids glycoproteins proteoglycans Functions: Protection cell surface from mechanical and chemical damage/stress Important in cell-cell recognition and cell-adhesion
Types of membrane transport proteins: - Transporters - Channels Active transport (pumps) passive transport
Electrochemical gradient = net driving force = sum of the force from the concentration gradient of a solute and the force from the membrane potential
Glucose transporter passive
Na+/K+ pump 3 Na+ ut 2 K+ in ATP driven
Ion selectivity depends on: diameter and shape of the ion channel distribution of charged amino acids of the channel
Gap junctions Large channels between 2 cells to provide electrical and metabolic coupling
Different types of ion channels depending on stimuli for opening the gate Voltage gated ligand- gated (extracellular ligand) (något binder in) ligand-gated (intracellular ligand) mechanically gated
active signalling mechansim ...
Action potential Stimulus →membrane potential of the plasma membrane becomes less negative →opening of additional voltage-gated Na+ channels = depolarization causes Na+ influx →At ca +40 mV electrochemical driving force for Na+ is zero = no more influx of Na+ → return to resting potential by opening of voltage-gated K+ channels = repolarisation = K+ efflux
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