PE 1/2


VCE Health and Physical Education Flashcards on PE 1/2, created by Tasha Rosen on 17/02/2021.
Tasha Rosen
Flashcards by Tasha Rosen, updated more than 1 year ago
Tasha Rosen
Created by Tasha Rosen about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
anterior posterior towards the front of the body towards the back of the body
medial lateral towards the imaginary midline of the body away from the imaginary midline of body
proximal distal a body part closer to its attachment point a body part further away from its attachment point
superficial deep a body part closer to the surface of the body a body part further away from the surface
sagittal plane divides body into left + right eg. run, walk, cycle, swim (movements going forward and backward)
frontal plane divides body into anterior + posterior eg. jump, squat (movements going up and down)
transverse plane divides body into superior + inferior eg. dance, goaly, side step (movements going side to side)
support the body provides framework + gives body its shape
movement skeletal system helps w movement. the bones are the levres upon which our muscles pull
protecting organs skull protects brain, ribs protect heart/lungs
storage of minerals stores mineral salts, especially calcium
blood production blood cell formation- long bones contain bone marrow (produce new RBC-carry oxygen + some WBC-fight infection)
appendicular skeleton limbs- arms, legs, hips, waist
axial skeleton middle part of skeleton- skull, spine, ribs
cervical vertebrae 7 bones, make up the neck, responsible for supporting the head
thoracic vertebrae 12 bones, connect rib cage to spine, protect heart/lungs (chest)
lumbar vertebrae 5 bones, largest of the vertebrae, high weight (lower back)
sacrum 5 bones (fused- stuck together), fused to pelvis, distribute weight of upper body
coccyx 4 bones (fused), also called the tailbone, provides a site for muscle attachment
joints where 2 or more bones meet, can be immovable or free moving
fixed/ fibrous no movement, eg. clavicle, skull, pelvis
cartilaginous slight movement, eg. ribs, lumbar vertebrae
synovial free movement, eg. phalanges, hip, knee, cervical/ thoracic vertebrae
pivot joint rotation of 1 joint around another, eg. head pivoting around neck
gliding joint gliding movement, eg. carpals/tarsals (where flat bones glide past each other)
ball & socket joint flexion, extension. adduction, abduction. internal + external rotation. eg. shoulder, hip
hinge joint flexion, extension, eg. knee, elbow
saddle joint flexion, extension. adduction, abduction. circumduction. eg. joint of the thumb
condyloid joint flexion, extension. adduction, abduction. circumduction. eg. wrist
flexion extension angles btw bones decreased angles btw bones increased
dorsiflexion plantarflexion occurs at ankle where toes point towards tibia occurs at ankle where toes point down + heal is raised
circumduction rotation occurs when limb moves in circular fashion (usually ball & socket) eg. wrist, thumb(saddle) occurs when bone turns on its own axis within a joint eg. medial rotation = rotation towards midline
supination pronation occurs when forearm is rotated, turning the hand from palms down to up palm up to down
inversion eversion occurs when sole of foot is turned inwards towards midline of body foot turned outwards towards midline
abduction adduction movement of a body part away from imaginary midline of body (abducted- taken away) towards midline of body (add- taken back in)
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