Ch. 9 - Joints Pt. I


Study guide for joints
Flashcards by newsha, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by newsha almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
kinesiology the study of musculoskeletal movement
diarthrosis a freely movable joint
amphiarthrosis a slightly movable joint
synarthrosis a joint capable of little or no movement
suture immovable fibrous joints binding the bones of the skull
gomphosis type of joint attaching a tooth to its socket
syndesmoses joint in which two bones are bound only by ligaments
synchondrosis type of joint in which bones are joined by hyaline cartilage
symphysis type of joint in which bones are joined by fibrocartilage
synostosis (bony joint) joint in which two bones, once separate, become fused by osseous tissue
synovial joint joint in which two bones are separated by a space filled with lubricant
synovial fluid the slippery lubricant filling the space between bones in a synovial joint
articular cartilage connective tissue covering a joining surfaces of bones within a joint
fibrous capsule outer layer of joint capsule that is continuous with the periosteum
synovial membrane inner layer of joint capsule made of areolar tissue which secretes fluid
tendon attaches muscle to bone
ligament attaches bone to bone
bursa fibrous fluid filled sac located where a tendon passes over a bone
tendon sheath type of bursae that are elongated and wrap around tendons
monoaxial type of joint in which the bone can move in only one plane
biaxial type of joint in which the bone can move in two planes
multiaxial type of joint in which the bone can move in three or more planes
ball-and-socket joint joint in which one bone with a hemispherical head fits within a cuplike depression on the other
hinge joint joint in which one bone with a convex surface fits into a concave depression of the other bone
saddle joint the trapeziometacarpal joint for example
pivot joint monoaxial joint in which a projection of one bone fits into a ring-like ligament of the other
gliding (plane) joint type of joint in which the articular surfaces are only slightly convex and concave
condvloid (ellipsoid) joint joint in which an oval convex surface of one bone fits into a similarly shaped depression of the other
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