Buddhism Unit Test - Terms and Names


Flashcards by steviexie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by steviexie almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Book of Basic Beliefs (Contain the teachings of Buddha.) Tripitaka (Three Baskets)
The end of pain and suffering (nothingness). Nirvana
Two main branches of Buddhism Theravada Mahayana
Two sects of Buddhism (+locations) Zen (Japan) Pureland (Tibeten)
The Middle Way of the Eightfold Path to Salvation Right Views or Understanding Right Resolve or Thought Right Speech Right Conduct or Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration
Siddartha Gautama's birth: (Date, Place, Parents, Circumstance) 563 B.C. | Southern Nepal King Suddhodana | Queen Maya Siddartha was showered with the luxuries of living as a prince.
Siddartha's Wife and Son Wife: Yashodhara Son: Rahula
Siddartha's abandonment of wife and son to seek religious enlightenment as a monk. The Great Renunciation
Tree under which The Buddha renounced both his family life and ascetic practices. The Bodhi Tree
Location and name of the Buddha's First Sermon Sermon given at Benares to five ascetic monks. Called the "turning wheel of Dharma"
Death (Place, Age, Circumstance) Died in Kusinagara. 80 years old. Died between two trees.
Three Jewels of Buddhism (What do they mean/represent?) (What are they?) Represents "The Vows of Buddhists" 1. I take refuge in the Buddha 2. I take refuge in the Dharma 3. I take refuge in the Sangha
Location of Mahayana Buddhism China, Japan, Tibet, Mongolia
Location of Theravada Buddhism Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand
Religious Orthodoxy of: Mahayana Buddhism Accepts changes made to the religion after Buddha's death.
Religious Orthodoxy of: Theravada Buddhism Stick to the original teachings of the Buddha
View of Siddartha Gautama: Mahayana Buddhism Siddartha is one of many Buddhas.
View of Siddartha Gautama: Theravda Siddartha is the best Buddha that all of us should follow.
Who can achieve Nirvana? Mahayana Buddhism Anyone can achieve Nirvana.
Who can achieve Nirvana? Theravada Buddhism Only monks and nuns can achieve Nirvana because they live monastic lives.
Branch's main value: Mahayana Compassion - Main value is to help others. Buddha's best "holy souls" (guides) come back to help other people achieve Nirvana.
Branch's main value: Theravada Wisdom - The Monk experiences Nirvana fully when he/she dies.
Arhat A "worthy one" who has reached nirvana and is no longer available to followers.
Accepts of Prayers and Rituals: Mahayana Yes
Acceptance of Prayers and Rituals: Theravada Reject prayers and rituals.
Zen Buddhism: Values 1. Simplicity: Do what you do with simplicity, grace, and digntiy. 2. Nature is central:Humans are the outgrowth of it. 3. Experience: Focus on intuitive experiential understanding in life. 4. Discipline - Be deliberate with tasks.
Koan Achieving enlightenment through intellectually stimulating and insightful paradoxical problems; people are moved beyond rational thought and answer in an intuitive way.
Haiku (Three line, seventeen syllables) Poem used in meditation, with a focus on nature.
Dukkha Life is unsatisfactory and full of suffering.
Samudaya Suffering is caused by people's greed and craving for things.
Nirodha If people overcame their selfish desires and stopped craving, then dukkha would disappear.
Magga The solution to overcoming desire; by following the Middle Way laid down in the Eightfold Path.
Theravadan Scriptures TRIPITAKA 'The three baskets' (Name each basket) 1. Vinaya Pitaka (Discipline) 2. Sutta Pitaka - (Doctrine) 3. Abhidamma Pitaka - (Philosophy)
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