Biology Mock Flashcards


B1 topics
Beth Stone
Flashcards by Beth Stone, updated more than 1 year ago
Beth Stone
Created by Beth Stone over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Types Of Carbohydrates B1 - 1.1 Potatoes, bread and pasta
Where are Fats found? B1 - 1.1 Cheese, butter and oils
Where are Proteins found? B1 - 1.1 Fish, eggs and cheese
What do proteins do? B1 - 1.1 Help with growing and repair
Where are fibres found? B1 - 1.1 Vegetables, fruit, bread
What do fibres help with? B1 - 1.1 Digestion
What happens if you don't eat enough? B1 - 1.1 Become prone to various diseases
What happens if you eat too much? B1 - 1.1 Become prone to other various diseases and can get high blood pressure
What happens to the food after you've eaten it? B1 - 1.1 Its broken down into small molecules
What are Proteins broken down into? B1 - 1.1 Amino acids
What is metabolic rate? B1 - 1.1 The speed at which chemical reactions take place in the body
Where is Cholesterol made? And Where is it passed onto? B1 - 1.1 Made in the liver, passed on to the blood
What does cholesterol do? B1 - 1.1 Makes healthy cell membranes
What are the 2 types of Cholesterol? And which one is it good to have more of? B1 - 1.1 LDL's (Low Density Lipoproteins) and HDL's (High Density Lipoproteins) It's better to have more HDL's as too many LDL's can lead to fat building up in the arteries
What do HDL's do? B1 - 1.1 Remove excess choleserol
What are Bacteria and viruses? B1 - 1.2 Pathogens (micro-organisms)
What 2 things can Bacteria do? B1 - 1.2 Multiply rapidly and release Toxins (that make you ill)
How are viruses different to Bacteria? B1 - 1.2 They are smaller and can reproduce 100's and 1000's of copies of themselves
What are Influenza, Aids, MMR, colds and chicken pox all part of? B1 - 1.2 A Virus
Types of bacteria? B1 - 1.2 Cholera, Typhoid, food poisoning, Gonorrhea, tetnus and whooping cough
What are the types of WBC that help you get better? B1 - 1.2 Phagocytes and Lymphocytes
What do Phagocytes do? B1 - 1.2 Ingest the pathogens
What do Lymphocytes do? B1 - 1.2 Multiply when they confront the disease and make lots of proteins called antibodies to help attack the disease
Why isn't there a vaccine for the common cold? B1 - 1.2 It mutates too quickly
What can you use antibiotics to kill off? B1 - 1.2 Bacteria
What is one of the main problems with viruses? B1 - 1.2 They damage the host cell when they reproduce
What are receptors? B1 - 2 Specialised cells that detect changes in the environment / stimuli
What does a receptor do once its been stimulated? B1 - 2 It sends signal along the nerve cells (neurones) to the brain
Give an example of an effector B1 - 2 A muscle contracting to move the arm
List 3 different types of Neurone B1 - 2 Sensory (carries signals from receptors to the spinal cord or brain), Relay (carries signals from sensory to motor neurones) and motor (to carry signals to parts of the body that move)
What is the gap called when there is a gap where 2 neurones meet? B1 - 2 Synapse
What controls the water content of our bodies? B1 - 2 Hormones
What looks after our iron and salt content of our body? B1 - 2 Hormones
What do hormones control our body at the perfect temperature for? B1 - 2 Enzymes, which is essential for the processes in cells
Where is adrenaline made? B1 - 2 The Adrenal gland
Where is Oestrogen made? B1 - 2 Ovaries
Where is FSH made? B1 - 2 Pituitary Gland
Where is insulin made? B1 - 2 Pancreas
What are the 3 hormones in menstruation? B1 - 2 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Oestrogen and Luteinising Hormone (LH)
How are hormones transported around the body? B1 - 2 In the bloodstream
What does Homeostasis mean? B1 - 2 Maintaining a constant internal environment
Where do plants shoots grow? B1 - 2 Towards light and against the force of gravity
Where do plants roots grow? B1 - 2 towards moisture and in the direction of the force of gravity
What does the plant hormone Auxin do in the shoots? B1 - 2 Causes increased cell growth, which causes the shoot to curve towards the stimulus
What does Auxin do in the roots? B1 - 2 Inhibits cell growth, which causes the root to curve away from the stimulus
What do weed killers do? B1 - 2 They cause the weed to grow very quickly but because the weed cant sustain this rate of growth it dies
What happens when you root hormones? B1 - 2 Cuttings are taken form a plant, the cutting is dipped into rooting powders, then the hormone causes cells in the cutting to develop into roots
What do stimulants do to the body? B1 - 3 Increase heart rate
Alcohol is an example of... B1 - 3 A depressant
Why was thalidomide banned? B1 - 3 It caused birth defects
List adaptations of a polar bear B1 - 4 White fur - so its difficult to see in the snow, so its prey cant see them Thick layers of fat and fur - to keep it warm Small surface area to volume ratio - to minimise heat loss Greasy fur -to shed water quickly after swimming
Why do plants are plants in the artic close to the ground? B1 - 4 It helps them conserve water and avoid damage to the artic winds
List adaptations of a camel B1 - 4 Large flat feet - to spread its weight on the sand Thick fur coat on the top of its body - for shade and Thin fur elsewhere - to allow easy heat loss Large surface area to volume ratio - to maximise heat loss and the ability to go a long time without water 2 rows of eyelashes - to keep the sand out
Where do Cacti (Cactus) store their water? B1 - 4 Their stems
List adaptations of a cactus B1 - 4 Widespread root systems - so that they can collect water from a large area Spikes instead of leaves - minimises surface area so reduces water loss by transpiration
What adaptation of a cactus warns of predators? B1 - 4 Can contain poisons, and their colours warn off herbivores and predators
Why is a Snowshoe hare a good example of a well adapted animal? B1 - 4 Its fur changes colour with the season to help camouflage itself
What does the nucleus of a cell contain? B1 - 7 Chromosomes made from DNA
What does a gene carry particular code for? B1 - 7 A particular protein
How many pairs of chromosomes do the human body cells contain? B1 - 7 23
How many parents does asexual reproduction need? B1 - 7 1
What is the simplest way to clone a plant? B1 - 7 Taking a cutting
Name one advantage of taking cuttings B1 - 7 New genetically identical plants can be grown cheaply and quickly
What is an organism treated by Genetic Modification called? B1 - 7 A transgenic organism
When was the first life form found on earth? B1 - 8 3 billion years ago
What are the 7 components of a healthy diet? B1 - 1.1 Carbohydrates Fats Water Fibre Vitamins Minerals Proteins
What are the different methods of spreading infection? B1 - 1.2 Coughing Sneezing Not washing your hands
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