AQA How Science Works Key Words


Key words to support pupils in their ISA CAUs
Peter  Hoskins
Flashcards by Peter Hoskins, updated more than 1 year ago
Peter  Hoskins
Created by Peter Hoskins almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Repeatable If the investigation is repeated by yourself, using the same method, and the same results are obtained, the data is….
Resolution The smallest change in the quantity being measured (the smallest division on the measuring instrument) is the....
Valid Data collected in an investigation that is reliable and answers the original question is….
Reproducible If the investigation is repeated by another person, or by using different equipment or techniques, and the same results are obtained, the data is….
Independent variable The variable that is changed or selected by the investigator is the…..
Dependent variable The variable that is measured for each change in the independent variable is the….
Control variables Variables that could affect the outcome of the investigation, so need to be kept constant are…
Continuous variables Any variable with numerical values that can be counted or measured are….
Categoric variables Variables that have values that are given as labels (words) are….
Range The results recorded in an investigation can be summarised by referring to the maximum and minimum values; this is the…..
Interval The quantity between readings is the.......
True value If a measurement is achieved without any errors, the investigator has found the….
Precise If measurements have very little spread around the mean value they are….
Accurate Measurements that are close to the true value are….
Anomalies Values in a set of results which do not fit the pattern of the other results - they are not included in any averages....
Random errors When measurements are spread around the true value in an unpredictable way, they are…
Systematic errors When readings differ from the true value by a consistent amount each time a measurement is made, they are….
Zero errors Readings obtained using a measuring instrument that gives a reading even when nothing is being measured are….
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