EDUC260 Flashcards


2 EDUCATION SEM 1 2015 Flashcards on EDUC260 Flashcards, created by angelwoo2002 on 15/06/2015.
Flashcards by angelwoo2002, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by angelwoo2002 almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (2)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Literacy ability to interpret and produce texts in multiple modes
Multi-literacies An understanding of literacy that acknowledges the changes in communication due to technology, globalisation and changes in language usage in cultures.
Multimodality Comprising of more than one mode (forms of communication) such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing
Critical Literacy Set of approaches used to interrogate texts with the knowledge that all texts represent different views of the world
Modality Auxillary verbs that are used to convey the level of certainty (low--> high)
Visual Literacy the ability to decode, interpret, question, create and evaluate texts that convey their message through visual images
Eytmology the study of the history of words, their origins and how their form and meanings have changed overtime
Semantics The study of the meaning of the words and the world
Syntax The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences
Grammar rules for correct usuage in spoken and written languages
Intonation combination of pitch, stress and juncture. Can help shape the interpretation of language
Morphology The study of sounds and letters to make meaningful units
Phonology Study of the Sound System
Graphology Study of the writing system of language
Phonemic Awareness the wareness that spoken words are conposed of individual sounds
Phonemes a unit of sound
Syllable a sound pattern with a vowel being the nucleus
Lexis The total catalogue of words
Metalanguage language to talk about a language
Three Level Guide to Reading Comprehension 1) Literal- What is written in the text? What does the text say about..? What words support this? 2) Inferential- What is written in between the lines? What ideas are portrayed in this text? What words support this? 3) Applied (What is beyond the lines/ makes you think?) Do you agree with this idea? Please give reasons.
Two Ways to Teach Writing 1) Explicit Teaching 2) Systematic Teaching good teaching approaches should encompass a mixture of the two. e.g. teach in an explicit way (make everything clear) but be systematic
EXplain Explicit Teaching (make everything clear) - teacher explains the purpose - presents task (modelling, guiding, demonstrating) - links with prior knowledge - provide scaffolding and feedback e.g. IN WRITING CLASSES-> text structures, explaining the process of writing
Explain Systematic Teaching - this is a PROCESS - teacher assesses the students' prior knowledge and the syllabus - teaching in sequence - ongoing assessment of progress
Explicit Learning Cycle Assessment --> Plan --> Teach (Explicit/ Instruction OR Systematic) --> Review
3 Different Styles of Teaching 1) Modelled Teaching Teacher led and planned. Students observe the teacher's actions and replicate. New skills and terminology are learnt. Students have to activate prior knowledge 2) Guided Teaching more student control with clear expectations of the task, teacher provide corrections and feedback 3) Independent Teaching students apply their knowledge and demonstrate their skills. Teachers provide minimal support
Things to remember about GRAMMAR Two types of grammar: Traditional- rules Fucntional- focuses on the purposes and use of grammar to make meaning How to make meaning from Grammar: FIELD- WHAT MODE- HOW TENOR- WHO
Key elements of Writing Purpose Audience Context (subject, roles and relationships, mode of communication)
Process of Writing percolating --> draft --> writing (indivudal of in groups) --> review --> edit --> proof read --> publish
Genres vs Text Types Genre- a category of literary work Text types- texts created with specific strucutres and features
Assessment vs Evaluation Assessment- judgement of one's performance based on knowledge and skills, language use, ideas, organisation of information, overall presentation Evalution- assessment of overall effectiveness of learning and teaching
Visual Design fulfills 3 Functions 1) Ideation 2) Interactive 3) Textual
Explain Ideation Function WHAT IDEAS DOES IT CONVEY? (FIELD)
Explain Interactional Function HOW DOES IT ENGAGE WITH THE VIEWER? (TENOR) e.g. visual codes- ligthing, colour, mood/ gaze, angles
Textual Function IN WHAT WAYS IS THE VISUAL TEXT ORGANISED? (MODE) Framing (placement of object), vectors that direct our gaze, reading path, salience= highlighting the importance of aspects of images
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