MedSurg weeks 3 &4 LABS


Flashcards on MedSurg weeks 3 &4 LABS , created by Michelle John on 15/06/2015.
Michelle John
Flashcards by Michelle John, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle John
Created by Michelle John over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the angle Intramuscular injection should be injected? 90 degrees
What is the angle a Subcut injection should be injected? 90 degrees for a higher skin fold 45 degrees for a low skin fold
what is the angle an intradermal injection should be injected? 15 degrees
When gathering cardiac history what info do you need to be seeking? *smoker/ex-smoker (Pack year) *alcohol/drug use *exercise habits *medications (cardiac) *pre existing cardiac conditions *family history *co-morbidities (diabetes etc)
What does PQRST mean when assessment a patient who has pain? P - precipitating events (What were you doing at the time) Q - quality of pain (dull, stabbing, sharp etc) R- radiation of pain (does the pain spread) S - Severity of pain ( out of 10?) T- timing ( how frequent is the pain presenting)
What is a heart attack Blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked for a period of time it is damaged or dies.
What is a Cardiac arrest When there is a defeat in the fibres that carry electrical signs to the heart muscles. Can happen without warning and often has an irregular heartbeat.
Define Atypical chest pain non- cardiac chest pain
Which coronary artery is involved with a posterior wall infarct? Mainly left circumflex CA or RCA
Which coronary artery is involved with a lateral wall infarct? Left anterior descending and Left circumflex
How do you take Postural BP *take BP in supine position after 2-3 mins rest sit patient up. *Take BP sitting up with legs dangling take bp within 1-2 minutes *Ask patient to stand up and retake BP within 1-2 mins
20 beats/minute increase is an acceptable increase in heart rate when standing TRUE OR FALSE TRUE
How do you determine the rate of rhythm from a 6 sec strip. 30 boxes = 6 secs 6 secs X 10 = 60 sec/min
What are the Acronyms for basic life support? D - danger R - response S - send for help A - airway B - breathing C - compressions D - defibrillator Continue CPR until unresponsive or normal breathing returns
Regular sinus rhythm No action is required
Artial Fibrillation
Artial Flutter
Ventricular Fibrillation: Lethal Rhythm Not measurable and irregular Action - CPR and Defibrillator
Ventricular Tachycardia: Lethal Rhythm Action - CPR and Defibrillator
What are the general management pathways for chest pain *oxygen *aspirin *IV access *pain relief *pathology (troponin) *chest x-ray
What patient stimulation is it when you press into fingers? Peripheral stimulation
Central Stimulation is when you ? Squeeze a patients Trapezius for a pain stimuli
In a conscious person how do you assess motor function? *ask them to raise their arms * ask them commands
In an unconscious patient how do assess motor function central stimulation painful stimuli
Should vital signs be taken in conjunction with neurological assessment and why? yes, because they work in conjunction with each other. For example; increased intracranial pressure normally accompanied by an increased respiratory rate and pattern.
What are the indicators for suctioning a patient? *Visible secretions in ET tube * Suspected aspiration for secretions *Sudden onset of respiratory distress * Auscultation of adventitous breath sounds over bronchi/trachea *increased peak of airway pressures * increased respiratory rate and sustained cough *Sudden or gradual decrease in Pa03 and SPo2 *Patient is unconscious and produces secretions
Regular and routine suctioning is encouraged. TRUE OR FALSE FALSE Patients should be monitored frequently and suctioned only if required.
How do you measure the correct size of gruedel airway for your patient ? Distance from the corner of the mouth to the angle of the jawline below the ear.
If the tongue is not held in the anterior position the guedel is ? Too small
If the guedel is too large what might happen ? It may force the tongue towards the epiglottis and obstruct the airway.
What is the contra-indication for a nasopharyngeal airway? Suspected or actual fracture of the base of skull
List three complications that can arise around an IV cannula site *Infiltration - local oedema * Extravasations - Ulcer like wound *Phlebitis - Inflammation and redness surrounding IV cannula site
What is the minimum IV flow rate to keep the vein open ? 10-15 mL/hr micro drip infusion
Define Isotonic Extracellular volume replacement Fluid and electrolyte replenishment (o.9% Sodium Chloride)
Define Hypertonic Pull Fluid out of the cells into the vascular space. Expands the volume of extracellular fluids (Mannitol Solution)
Define Hypotonic Pulls fluid into the cells from the vascular space. Dilutes extracellular fluids, has more water than electrolytes (0.45% Sodium Chloride)
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