Computer Systems


Flashcards on Computer Systems, created by EmilyWilliamson on 18/06/2015.
Flashcards by EmilyWilliamson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EmilyWilliamson over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
INPUT The data which is entered in to a computer/device.
PROCCESSING This is what goes on inside a computer when it makes your data able to be released.
OUTPUT Output is the proccessed data that is released. The output device could be: monitor, speakers, printers.
COMPUTER SYSTEM A combination of hardware and software components that allow input, processing and output of data.
HARDWARE The physical components that make up a computer system.
SOFTWARE The programs that run on a computer system.
RELIABILITY How far you can depend on the computer system being available when you need it. Usually measured in terms of availability.
AVAILIBILITY The proportion of time that a system is operational, usually expressed as a percentage over a period of time. E.g. 95% measured over one year.
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure: a measure of availability often quoted by hardware manufacturers. Eg 2.56 years between failures means, on average, the hardware can be expected to last 2.56 years before it goes wrong.
REDUNDANCY Spare hardware components are built into a system so that, in the event of a component failing, the system can swap over to the spare one.
DISASTER RECOVERY Where a company has plans to replace a system quickly if there is a catastrophe (fi re, fl ood, bomb etc). Designed to minimise the time the system is down.
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