practical anatomy revision


Cecilia Terranova
Flashcards by Cecilia Terranova, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by أطباء2020 over 9 years ago
Cecilia Terranova
Copied by Cecilia Terranova over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1) identify 1 and 7 2) mention structure related to 6 3) mention structure passes through 2 1) orbital plate of frontal bone , orbital plate of ethmoid bone 2) lacrimal sac 3) optic nerve and ophtalmic artery
1) identify 1 2) structure passing through 2 3) structure attached 4) structure related 1) crista galli 2) middle meningeal artery and nernous spinosus 3) attached margin of tentorium cerebilli 4) left transverse sinus
1) identify 1 ans 2 2) mention structure related to 3 1) hard palate ( palatine process of maxilla) 2) vomer bone 3) lower part of medulla .
1) mention structure attached to 1 2) identify 2 3) structures attached to a and b 1) mylohyoid muscle 2) genial tubercles 3) a-sphenomadibular ligament b- Medial pterygoid muscle
1) identify 1 and 2 1) opening of Eustachian tube 2) epiglottis
1) identify the bone 2) share in which joint , what's its type ? 1) atlas bone 2) atlanto-occipital, elipsoid synovial joint.
1) structure related to 2 2) identify 3 and 4 1) external jugular vein 2) transverse cervical nerve and greater auricular n.
1)identify 1 and 2 1) isthmus of thyroid gland 2) sternohyoid muscle (cut)
1) identify 1 and 2 2) mention structure related 1) occipital pole, cerebellum 2) middle cerebral artery
1) identify 1,2,3,4 1) head of caudate 2) tail of caudate 3) insula 4) splenium of corpus callosum
1) identify 1,2,3 2) mention structure related to 4 1) posterior perforated substance trigeminal nerve pyramid 2) basilar artery
1) identify 1- cingulate gyrus 2) paracentral lobule 3) 4th ventricle 4) cavity of lateral ventricle
1) identify 1,2 and 3 1) linea alba 2) external oblique muscle 3) spermatic cord
identify all. 1) kidneys 2) abdominal aorta 3) IVC 4) psoas major muscle 5) quadratus lumborum 6) iliac crest 7) ureter 8) common iliac arteries 9) transversus abdominis 10) Iliohypogastric nerve 11) iliacus muscle
1) identify 1 2) mention structures related to 2 and 3 1) hilum of spleen 2) 2- left colic flexure 3- stomach NOOOO right spleen :D :D
1) mention structures related to 2 and 5 2) identify 1, 3 and 4 1) 2- right kidney 5- stomach 2)1- bare area of liver 3- quadrate lobe of liver 4- ligamentum teres
1) identify the side 2) mention structures related to 1 and 2 3) identify 3 1) right kidney 2) 1- liver (right lobe) 2- 2nd part of dudenum 3) renal vein ( most anterior in position)
1) identify 1,2,3 1) right hepatic artery 2) splenic artery 3) pancreas
1) identify the joint and its type 2) mention structure attached to 2,3 3) identify 4 1) 1-sacroiliac joint,plane synovial. 2) 2-obturator membrane 3- iliacus muscle 3) Ala of sacrum
1) identify the sex 2) identify 1,2,3,4 1) Male 2) 1- rectum 2- urinary bladder 3- symphysis pubis 4- prostate
identify the case coloboma iridis
identify the case and it's cause - bilateral cleft lip - failure in fusion between maxillary prominence and intermaxillary segment bilaterally
identify the case and its cause plagiocephaly. premature closure of coronal or lambdoid suture unilaterally
identify.. 1) cavity of orbit 2) maxillary air sinus 3) mandibular ramus 4) hard palate 5) nasal septum
1)identify 1,2,3 2) mention structure related to 4 1) 1- posterior arch of atlas 2- hyoid bone 3- maxillary air sinus 2) pituitary gland.
1) identify 1,3 2) mention structure pass through 2 1) 1- nasal septum 3- mastoid air sinus 2) mandibular nerve
1) identify the picture 2) identify 1,2,3 1) circle of willis 2) 1- internal carotid artery 2- basilar artery 3- posterior cerebral artery
Wish you all good luck!! :D :D و ما رميت إذ رميت و لكن الله رمى ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ..
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