Nissan SUVs


The differences of features in the Nissan 2021 SUVS.
Alex Luna
Flashcards by Alex Luna, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Luna
Created by Alex Luna almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Rogue: SV, SL, Platinum Rogue Sport: SV, SL Kicks: SV, SR Murano: SV, SL, Platinum Armada: SL, Platinum Pathfinder: SV, SV-RC, SL, SL-RC, Platinum Remote Start
Rogue: SV (Package), SL, Platinum Rogue Sport: SL (Package) Kicks: None Murano: SV & SL (Package), Platinum Armada: SL, Platinum Pathfinder: Platinum Moonroof
Rogue: SV (Package), SL, Platinum Rogue Sport: SV (Package), SL Kicks: None Murano: SV (Package), SL, Platinum Armada: SL, Platinum Pathfinder: SV, SV-RC, SL, SL-RC, Platinum Leather
Rogue: SV (Package), SL, Platinum Rogue Sport: SV, SL Kicks: SR (Package) Murano: SV (Package) SL, Platinum Armada: SV, SL, Platinum Pathfinder: SL, SL-RC, Platinum Heated Seats
Rogue: SV, SL, Platinum Rogue Sport: SV, SL Kicks: None Murano: None Armada: None Pathfinder: None Steering Assist
Rogue: SV, SL, Platinum Rogue Sport: SV, SL Kicks: SV, SR Murano: SV, SL, Platinum Armada: None Pathfinder: None Intelligent Cruise Control
Rogue: SV, SL, Platinum Rogue Sport: SV (Package), SL Kicks: SR Murano: SV (Package), SL, Platinum Armada: SL, Platinum Pathfinder: SL, SL-RC, Platinum Intelligent Around View Monitor
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