Phrasal Verbs #11


phrasal verbs
Marcele Bernardes
Flashcards by Marcele Bernardes, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Eduardo .
Created by Eduardo . about 9 years ago
Marcele Bernardes
Copied by Marcele Bernardes about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
come apart desfazer-se, soltar-se *The book came apart in my hands. *The handle came apart.
Pull over encostar (carro) *Be sure you're in an area where a taxi can safely and legally pull over to pick you up. *The police officer pulled him over for changing lanes without signaling.
carry away entusiasmar *The crowd were carried away by his passionate speech.
come to a head veio à cabeça *The crisis came to a head when the teachers' union threatened to sue the city.
keep up with manter-se a par (informado) de
let down desiludir *Don´t let me down (Beatles)
put aside pôr de lado, a parte
snuff out por fim, apagar, extinguir *The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children
put across comunicar (ideias) * It's an interesting idea and I thought he put it across well.
put out apagar, estender, fazer-se, anunciar, espalhar, incomodar, deslocar * to put out a fire
count down contagem regressiva
Let go of Deixe de lado
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