LA Date p39


For practice.
Brian E
Flashcards by Brian E, updated more than 1 year ago
Brian E
Created by Brian E over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does she have? She has a bag from France.
Does he have a hat from Spain? Yes, he does.
What does he have? He has a drum from Korea.
Does he have a photo from Japan? No, he doesn't. He has a photo from Australia.
What does she have? She has a kite from Japan.
Does she have a pot from Germany? Yes, she does.
What does she have? She has a bowl from Mexico.
Does he have a vase from Portugal? No, he doesn't. He has a vase from China.
What does he have? He has a sweater from Peru.
Does he have a fruit tart from Portugal? Yes, he does.
What does Date class have? We have the most handsome, smartest and best teacher in the world. (Of course :) )
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