Aldehydes and Ketones


Flashcards on Aldehydes and Ketones, created by mitzigolsorkhi on 17/08/2015.
Flashcards by mitzigolsorkhi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mitzigolsorkhi about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is this? aldehyde
how is aldehyde characterised? the carbonyl group is alway attached to a hydrogen and oxygen with a double bond
what is this? ketone
how is ketone characterised? has a double bond oxygen with two R functional groups
when naming an aldehyde where do you start? at the carbonyl (oxygen bonded carbon) and add al to end e.g. pentanal
you calculate the steric number by? no of sigma bonds + no of lone pairs of electrons
ketone is more stable than aldehyde why? 2 reasons 1. R group is electron donating, and ketone has 2, therefore able to balance the electron pull that oxygen has better. Aldehydes are therefore more positive at the carbon and therefore attract a neutrophile better 2. ketones steric hindrance - the R groups get in the way of reactions.
the a hydrogen is the hydrogen attached where? and where is the B-carbon? a- hydrogen is attached to the carbon next to the carbonyl group B- carbon is the carbon adjacent to the to a-carbon
the a-hydrogen may be removed by what? a base
the acidity of this hydrogen is increased how? if it is between 2 carbonyl groups
which hydrogens are the only ones that are acidic? a-hydrogens
enol = alkene + alcohol
the O of the carbonyl forms hydrogen bonds with what? the hydrogens attached to other electronegative atoms such as N or O Since there are no hydrogens attached to the carbonyl O - aldehydes and ketones do not form hydrogen bonding with themselves (instead they do dipole -dipole bonding)
aldehydes will be oxidised to what? carboxylic acids
do ketones oxidise? rarely
primary alcohols can be oxidised to yield what? aldehydes
secondary alcohols can be oxidised to yield what? ketones
alkenes can be oxidatively cleaved to yield what? ketones and aldehydes when treated with Ozone O3 (ketones can only be made if the double bond of the alkene carbon atoms is di-substituted)
what does vinyl mean? In chemistry, vinyl or ethenyl[1] is the functional group −CH=CH2, namely the ethylene molecule (H2C=CH2) minus one hydrogen atom.
hydration of terminal alkynes will yield whAT? methyl ketones
a nucleophile attack to an aldehyde or ketone results in what? a tetrahedral alkoxide ion intermediate is formed which can lead to the formation of an alcohol OR expel the carbonyl oxgyen atom as H20 or OH- to form a carbon-nucleophile bond
aldehydes and ketones react with water in the presence of acid or base catalyst to form what? 1,1 -diols water acts as a nucleophile attacking the carbonyl carbon
reduction of aldehydes and ketones yields what? grignard reagents react with the following to form what? 1. formaldehyde 2. aldehyde 3. ketone alcohol 1. primary 2. seondary 3. tertiary
what are NaBH4 and LiAlH4? reducing agents
what is this? formaldehyde
imines and examines are formed when aldehydes and ketones react with what? amines
when an aldehyde or ketone reacts with a primary amine what is formed? an imine (or schiff base)
what is the general formula of a primary amine? R-NH2 (R = Alkyl or aryl group)
in an amine the carbonyl group is replaced with what? C=N-R
When an aldehyde or ketone reacts with a secondary amine, what is formed? enamine
a secondary amine has what general formula? R2N-H
what do aldehydes and ketones produce when they react with tertiary amines? R3N They do not react!
when dissolved in an excess of primary alcohol what will aldehyde and ketone form? hemiacetal and hemiketals then they will make acetal and ketal if there is enough of the catalyst.
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