Research Concepts


Research unit week 1
Suzanne Carter
Flashcards by Suzanne Carter, updated more than 1 year ago
Suzanne Carter
Created by Suzanne Carter over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A systematic review is... A rigorous review of all the evidence
Reliability is... Characteristic of a good instrument; the assessed degree of consistency and dependability
A hypothesis is... Statement of a predicted relationship or difference between two or more variables.
A research process is... An orderly series of steps that allow the researcher to move from asking a question to finding an answer
A variable is... A concept, characteristic or trait that varies within an identified population in a research study
Validity is... A characteristic of a good instrument; the extent of an instrument's ability to measure what it states it will measure
Research is... A systematic process using both inductive and deductive reasoning to confirm and refine existing knowledge and to build new knowledge
Quantitative research is... The systematic process used to gather and statistically analyse information that has been measured by an instrument and converted to numerical data
In research, an instrument is... Device or technique used to collect data in a research study (e.g. questionnaires or interviews)
Qualitative research is... Used to examine subjective human experiences by using non-statistical methods of analysis
A problem statement is... A statement that describes the purpose of a research study, identifies key concepts and sets study limits
A literature review is... A critical summary of available theoretical and research literature on the selected research topic. It places the research problem for a particular study in the context of what is currently known about the topic
Informed consent is... An agreement by a research subject to participate voluntarily in a study after being fully informed about the study and the risks and benefits of participation
Data collection is... Gathering of information necessary to address the research problem
An ethics committee is... A committee responsible for the review of research proposals to ensure that human subjects are protected from harm
Data is... Measurable bits of information collected for the purpose of analysis
Clinical nursing research is... Nursing research that has a direct impact on nursing interventions with individuals
Bias is... Any influence that may alter the outcomes of a research study
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