Contracts - Consensusdocs


PPM ARE 5.0 PPM (Project Planning & Mgmt) Ballast Review Flashcards on Contracts - Consensusdocs, created by Kara Biczykowski on 01/10/2021.
Kara Biczykowski
Flashcards by Kara Biczykowski, updated more than 1 year ago
Kara Biczykowski
Created by Kara Biczykowski over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
CONSENSUSDOCS 1) these docs were developed w/ the goal of ending what was perceived as a bias in favor of the: 2) purpose is to take a balanced approach in defining the: 3) these docs were developed by groups of const. industry orgs. including: 1) architect in the AIA docs 2) rights, obligations, risks of various parties involved in a const. project & to reduce the number & severity of disputes 3) Associated Gen. Contractors of America, the Associated Builders & Contractors, Mech Contractors Association of America, the Const. Specs Institute, & 40 oths
1) these docs are used when the client may want to use: 2) if these docs are used, the arch could be (__) & therefore should: 1) their own contracts or another set of standard const. contract forms like the Consensus Docs (Design-Build Institute of America also has docs) 2) put at risk, so should have docs reviewed by their attorneys & insurance agents & modify any unacceptable clauses
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