DNA Vocabulary Words


Biology DNA vocabulary words.
Flashcards by zombies_duhhh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zombies_duhhh over 11 years ago

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DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid (deoxyribose sugar); polymer of nucleotides that contains all hereditary information; located in the nucleus.
nucleotide monomer of a nucleic acid; made up of a 5 carbon sugar, phosphate group and a nitrogen base!
Chromatin/Chromosomes the form of DNA coiled and packed in the nucleus.
RNA Ribonucleic acid; often carries the message of DNA
Nitrogen Bases make up the internal structure of DNA and RNA; Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine, Thymine; Stairsteps of the ladder
mRNA Messenger RNA; end product of transcription, leaves nucleus to deliver the genetic message of DNA to the ribosomes
rRNA Ribosomal RNA; molecule that composes ribosomes to aid in the process of translation.
tRNA transfer RNA; molecule that bonds with amino acids and transfers them to ribosomes for protein synthesis/translation
Transcription first step in producing proteins- making mRNA from DNA so the genetic message can leave the nucleus; Occurs in the nucleus
Translation process of assembling amino acids into proteins from the information coded in RNA; occurs at the ribosomes
Codon 3 mRNA nucleotides in sequence to code for 1 amino acid
Amino acids molecules that are assembled into proteins from the information coded in RNA; occurs in the nucleus
Protein Organic compound made of amino acids that is responsible for cell specialization, gene expression, growth, repair, and many critical cellular functions
Substitution mutation occurs when one pair in the DNA sequence is replaced by another, often causes adverse effects in development or functioning of an organism (point mutation)
Frameshift Mutation occurs when a nucleotide is inserted or deleted in the coding region of a gene; also called additions or deletions
Gel Electrophoresis Technique used to create a DNA fingerprint by separating fragments of DNA molecules through an electrically charged field
DNA fingerprinting test used to identify individuals and catalogue endangered species
Transgenic organism an organism with genes inserted from another organism to achieve a purpose
Human Genome project complete mapping of the 20000 genes found in the human genetic code; 13 year project done by sequencing the base pairs of human DNA
Gene therapy use of DNA to treat genetic disorders and diseases by replacing mutated genes with functional genes or genes to produce proteins
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