
Flashcards on IPL, created by kev on 10/11/2013.
Flashcards by kev, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kev almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
internal law of the forum Lex fori
law [of the casue] to be applied by the forum lex causae
law of party's domicile lex patriae
law of the country where a marriage celebrated lex loci celebrationis
law of the country where contract deemed to have been formed lex loci contractus
law of country where contract to be performed lex loci solutionis
law of country where legal act takes place lex loci actus
law to which a legal act/ transaction has the most connection lex actus
law of a person's domicile lex loci domicilii
law of the country where property situated lex situs
law of country where a delict performed lex delicti
law used to determine rights in succession lex successionis
REGULATION re jurisdiction, recognition, and enforcement of judgments re matrimonial and PR matters Brussels II bis
REGULATION re jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments in CIVIL & COMMERCIAL matters Brussels I (Regulation)
Classification- collection of tax - no! Assisting in investigation -Yes! Re. State of Norway's Application
proof of foreign law provided by... experts. Not the judge, unless disagreement between parties' experts, whereby own examination required.
Judicial knowledge of Scots law and Scots IPL law assumed bu Scots ct, but UKSP assumed to have judicial knowledge of all three UK LSs.
Foreign law is a Q of fact
where parties ignore FL aspect in pleadings lex fori applied
if D has not raised FL issue in pleadings but later feels it would be advantageous... Lord Kincraig: too late! Bonnor v Balfour Kilpatrick (Oman) Pryde v Proctor & Gamble (solatium in Eng.)
Bonnor v Balfour Kilpatrick ?
Pryde v Proctor & Gamble ??
gift inter vivos so lex situs, or donatio mortis causa so lex successionis re Korvine's Trust Russian admiral stole bonds etc from revolution; then purported to give to Russian mistress who had to fight for right as RA had Russian W&Kids
Re Korvine's Trust Russian Admiral escaped rev to London; on death bed, purported to give stuff to mistress not Wife; was it gift inter vivos or donatio mortis causa? If later, Russain succession law would prevent gift to mistress; HELD former so lex situs (ENG) allowed it.
incapax to contract creates international invalidity Butler v Cooper 19yr-old Irish girl too young to contact away her legal rights on H's death in Scotland
onus of proving DoO changed to DoC Bell v Kennedy Held in favour of Jamaican slave owner: J dom, X Scots
Jamaican colonist; Scots roots rtns when slavery abolished; wife dies soon after; daughter could not demo F was Scots domd as he hadn't made up mind (W's Dom follwed H's) lex causa re succession is lex successionis which is the law of HIS dom so Jamaica; Scots law would have provided for daughter but J not.
Art 5(1) (Brussels I) only works where single place of performance Besix v Wasserrengigungsbau
Brussels I Art 5(1) place of performance of contract founds jurisdiction
Brussels I Art 2 general rule re dom: sue in Defender's MS
Brussels I on contract Art 5(1) place of performance of contract
Brussels I on consumer contracts Art 15: sue consumer in his MS Art 16: consumer may choose either
Brussels I on property Art 22 (lex situs)
Brussels I on prorogation Art 23
Brussels I on appearance by Def Art 24 renders jur
Brussels I on lis pendens Art 27
only possible to have one one residence quoad Brussels I; 10% of time spent in England does not qualify Cherney (Isr) v Deripaska (Rus) dom re BI tested by internal law (Art 59) whichrequires both residence and substantial connection
Cherney v Deripaska Re Art 59 BI; 10% of time there did not make Russian resident in Eng, so Israeli could not serve him there.
enforced residence does not equal substantial connection viz s41 CJJA1982 Petrograde v Smith S had been bailed in UK so forced
dom determined at time summons signed by Sh Clerk (Scot) or issuing of the writ (Eng) Canada Trust v Stolzenberg S were multi party; one of S dom in Eng at time IW issued but left before served; still valid!
principal extra-EU IPL Convention? Lugano II (2007) mirrors BI
BI and Lugano II Art that refers to suing in the MS of any one of the defenders 6
Swiss dom of a multi party provided jurisdiction under Lugano II (extra-EU) Canada Trust v Stolzenberg
Single place reqd to justify jurisdiction quoad place of performance of contract viz BI A5(1) (or LII): case? Besix v Wasserrengigungsbau
where more than one place of provision of service (air travel), ct to look for most significant linking factor Rheder v Air Baltic but where no single place, such as here, can choose any one.
even where a business has detailed spec of goods to be supplied by supplier, still contract for sale of goods, so place of delivery viz BI A5(1)(b) indent 1 relevant Car Trim v Key Safety Systems
Contract for provision of services governed by BI A? A5(1)(b) indent 2 so where services provided
contact for sale of goods governed by BI A? BI A5(1)(b) indent 1, where good to be delivered. eg Car Trim v Key Safety Systems
where services and sale of goods select principal issue: Car Trim v Key Safety Systems
BI Art 23 deals with prorogation of jurisdiction
BI Art 27 deals with lis pendens
conflict between A23 and A27 BI: priciple and case? court first seised has priority; Erich Gasser v Missat
Enforcement of judgements; Ct addressed does not revist Ct of Origin judgement unless fraud alleged: Gelley v Shephard
Marriage: criteria viz Hyde v Hyde & Woodmansee voluntary union for life between man and woman to teh exclusion of all others
2 principle questions re validity of marraige formal validity; essential validity
essential validity of marriage relates to questions of? legal capacity: age, mental, consanguinity Physical capacity: impotent
German national domd in Eng; 1st wife died and wanted to marry her sister in Germany; because he was domd in Eng immediately prior to marriage, even though ok by German law, invalid in Eng Mette v Mette Q of essential validity
validity of Marriage in Scotland governed by FLSA 2006 s 38 38(1)formally=lex loci celebrationis 38(2) = essential: dom imediately prior to marriage
essentail validity of marraige determined by ct of dom imed prior to marriage; Jewish Egypian uncle/neice married in Egypt: Cheni would not have been valid if celebrated here but there ok so not so contra public policy
Q of formal validity of marriage determined by lex loci celebrationis, case? Berthiaume v Dastous French couple had not goen about French ceremony properly so divorce proceedings in Eng dismissed.
divorce proceedings re French couple in England dismissed as no formal validity of French marraige, case? Berthiaume v Dastous
German domd in Eng imd prior to attempt to marry his late wife's sister in G: law of ? validity, and governed by ? essential validity, govd by lex fori
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