NE Region State and Capital


4th grade Geography Flashcards on NE Region State and Capital, created by Kristy Cannady on 16/11/2021.
Kristy Cannady
Flashcards by Kristy Cannady, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristy Cannady
Created by Kristy Cannady over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Augusta, Maine
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Albany, New York
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Annapolis, Maryland
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Boston, Massachusetts
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Concord, New Hampshire
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Montpelier, Vermont
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Providence, Rhode Island
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Trenton, New Jersey
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Hartford, Connecticut
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Name the State and it's capital that has the star on it. Dover, Delaware
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