Karakter Seseorang - Personal Traits


College Languages - Unit 3: Getting to Know You (Vocabulary) Flashcards on Karakter Seseorang - Personal Traits, created by SLS Indonesian on 29/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
pemberani brave
penakut coward
sombong arrogant
pemalu shy
terbuka extrovert
tertutup introvert
supel easy-going
pendiam quiet
pemarah hot-tempered
pembohong liar
jujur honest
tidak jujur dishonest
penyayang caring/loving
pemalas lazy
lucu funny
humoris humorous
sabar patient
percaya diri self-confident
keras kepala stubborn
ramah friendly
cerewet fuzzy
teliti pay attention to detail
dewasa mature
bodoh stupid
ceroboh careless
plin plan wishy-washy
pelit stingy
boros big-spender
hemat thrifty
setia loyal
menarik attractive
rajin diligent
pintar/cerdas smart
tegas firm
pendendam revengeful
tekun perseverance
rendah hati humble
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