Teaching Listening


Ingles Flashcards on Teaching Listening, created by Francisco Quintanilla on 11/03/2022.
Francisco Quintanilla
Flashcards by Francisco Quintanilla, updated more than 1 year ago
Francisco Quintanilla
Created by Francisco Quintanilla over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How Can Teachers Teach Listening? The current view of listening as a many-sided interactive process necessitates a more comprehensive approach to teaching listening to help learners meet the challenge of real-life listening. Although listening is an individual activity hidden in one’s brain, the teaching, and learning of how to listen could be taken out of students’ private domain into the public space of the classroom. The focus of instruction changes from whether comprehension is achieved to how it is achieved.
How was foreign language listening taught in your experience? Typically, teachers do some prelistening and then have students listen to the text and perform a variety of tasks. Teachers evaluate students’ comprehension based on the correctness of their responses and proceed to the next activity. Implicit here is the focus on the result, the product of listening in the form of correct answers. This approach tests students’ listening comprehension, informing them that they failed at certain points
How often do teachers rush to supply a “correct” answer when a student fails to respond to a listening task? Teachers may play a recording several times and ask for other students’ input to make things right, missing an opportunity to determine the reason for the listening error. To revise this approach, a teacher could identify problems by making a note of students’ lapses incomprehension as she checks their answers.
How can teachers best determine whether their students understand the listening material they give them? Teachers should try to include various types of comprehension questions that discuss the content of the text as well as invite students to examine their listening performance.
How can a teacher help students develop a wider range of listening strategies? To cope with difficult texts more effectively, students should be exposed to a variety of strategies. Explaining, modeling, and regularly practicing with students how to set goals, plan tasks, self-monitor, and evaluate helps them control their listening. Anticipating content, inferring, guessing, and recognizing redundancies improve specific listening problems. Encouraging interaction with classmates and native speakers through listening expands communicative contexts and enhances self-confidence.
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