2101-2200_Spanish High Frequency Words


Created by Hacia Adelante on 06/14/2022.
Hacia Adelante
Flashcards by Hacia Adelante, updated more than 1 year ago
Hacia Adelante
Created by Hacia Adelante over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
semilla seed (n)
figurar to figure (v)
virtual virtual (adj)
pequeño little/small(adj)
división division (n)
intercambio exchange (n)
quinto fifth (adj)
espera wait (n)
limpiar to clean (v)
pintar to paint (v)
incremento increase (n)
patrón pattern/boss(n)
modificación modification (n)
alcohol alcohol (n)
sonrisa smile (n)
instrucción instruction (n)
ciudadano citizen (n)
potencial potential (n)
misterio mystery (n)
espalda back (n)
espectáculo show (n)
militar soldier (n) military (adj)
sueldo salary (n)
sufrimiento suffering (n)
exitoso successful (adj)
montón pile/a lot of (n)
estratégico strategic (adj)
pecho chest (n)
programar to program (v)
novedad novelty (n)
niño boy (n)
extremo extreme (adj)
intelectual intellectual (adj)
arrancar start up (v. phrasal) to tear off(v. phrasal)
acumular to accumulate(v)
ideal ideal (adj + n)
novio boyfriend (n)
despedir to fire (v)
eficaz efficient (adj)
percepción perception (n)
episodio episode (n)
inmenso immense (adj)
definitivo definitive (adj)
relevante relevant/outstanding(adj)
bailar to dance (v)
copiar to copy (v)
lógica logic (n)
reportar to report (v)
afectado affected (adj)
demandar to sue (v)
horario schedule (n)
vigente current (adj)
decreto decree (n)
institucional institutional (adj)
duración duration
divertir to amuse (v)
progreso progress (n)
saber to know (v)
ensayo trial (n)
azul blue (adj)
utilización utilization (n)
presidencial presidential (adj)
bandera flag (n)
dictar to dictate (v)
ajustar to adjust (v)
rueda wheel (n)
doctrina doctrine (n)
resumen summary (n)
mentir to lie (v)
emergencia emergency (n)
círculo circle (n)
atractivo attractive (adj)
evangelio gospel (n)
estadio stadium (n)
ejecutivo excutive (adj)
violar to rape (v)
explotar to explode (v)
agenda agenda (n)
griego greek (adj)
italiano italian (n)
liga league (n)
tv tv (n)
clic click (n)
propietario owner (n)
ahorrar to save (v)
apostar to bet (v)
periodismo journalism (n)
habitar to live (v)
profundidad depth (n)
carecer to lack (v)
comprensión comprehension (n)
mira sight (n)
vengar to get even (v) to avenge (v)
diversidad diversity (n)
limpio clean (adj)
proveer to provide (v)
mezcla mix (n)
editar to edit (v)
torneo tournament (n)
odio hate (n)
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