2401-2500_Spanish High Frequency Words


Created by Hacia Adelante on 06/14/2022.
Hacia Adelante
Flashcards by Hacia Adelante, updated more than 1 year ago
Hacia Adelante
Created by Hacia Adelante over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
orgullo pride (n)
dibujo drawing (n)
pelea fight (n)
nervioso nervous (adj)
esquema scheme (n)
obligatorio required (n)
paciencia patience (n)
navegador browser (n)
motivación motivation (n)
estimular to stimulate (v)
sindicato labor union (n)
transmisión transmission (n)
trato deal (n)
proyectar to project (v)
exterior exterior (n)
cualidad quality (n)
armado armed (adj)
abuelo grandfather (n)
penal penal (adj)
fallecer to die (v)
préstamo loan (n)
conductor driver (n)
gubernamental governmental (adj)
eje axis/main point(n)
aconsejar to advise (v)
humilde humble (adj)
descartar to discard (v)
involucrado involved (adj)
grito scream (n)
descubrimiento discovery (n)
asamblea assembly (n)
suspender to suspend (v)
colega colleague (n)
mero mere (adj)
exclusivamente exclusively (adv)
bloque block (n)
agradable nice (adj)
ocasionar to cause (v)
solar solar (adj)
luna moon (n)
subrayar to underline (v)
visual visual (adj)
cien one hundred (n)
dañar to damage (v)
cuota fee (n)
involucrar to involve (v)
sensible sensitive (adj)
traducción translation (n)
prestación benefit (n)
totalidad whole (adj)
soltar to release (v)
vacío empty (adj)
regir to govern (v)
elevado high (adj)
cobertura coverage (n)
ingeniero engineer (n)
rescatar to rescue (v)
temporal temporary (adj)
rumbo course (n)
santo holy (adj)
metal metal (n)
intensidad intensity (n)
visible visible (adj)
cable cable (n)
ceder to give in (v)
terapia therapy (n)
particularmente particularly (adv)
creciente growing (adj)
designar to appoint (v)
estrés stress (n)
menú menu (n)
denominado called (adj)
colgar to hang (v)
combate combat (n)
desastre disaster (n)
aguantar to endure (v)
coste cost (n)
etiqueta label (n)
aeropuerto airport (n)
editor editor (n)
constar to be stated (v)
mandato mandate (n)
posiblemente possibly (adv)
telefónico telephone (n)
básicamente basically (adv)
obstáculo obstacle (n)
exigencia requirement (n)
gestionar to manage (v)
veinte twenty (n)
tercero third (adj)
desplazar to displace (v)
núcleo nucleus (n)
intelectual intellectual (n)
barra bar (n)
lección lesson (n)
conforme satisfied (adj)
autonomía autonomy (n)
seguimiento follow up (n)
conveniente convenient (adj)
juntar to put together (v)
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