3501-3600_Spanish High Frequency Words


Created by Hacia Adelante on 06/21/2022.
Hacia Adelante
Flashcards by Hacia Adelante, updated more than 1 year ago
Hacia Adelante
Created by Hacia Adelante over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
naranja orange (n)
sed thirst (n)
oh Oh! (Interj)
monte mountain (n)
diagnosticar to diagnose (v)
crónica chronicle (n)
caloría calorie (n)
pescado fish (n)
vigilar to watch (v)
pasta pasta (n)
movilizar to mobilize (v)
cartera purse (n)
armonía harmony (n)
civil civil (adj)
normativa normative (n)
prejuicio prejudice (n)
autoestima self esteem (n)
conocido well-known, renowned (adj) acquaintance (n)
redactar to write (v)
ganancia gain (n)
primavera spring (n)
monetario monetary (adj)
perteneciente belonging (adj)
contraseña password (n)
debido due (adj)
plasmar to portray (v)
interactuar to interact (v)
escritorio desk (n)
consentimiento consent (n)
larga long (adj)
vaca cow (n)
carpeta binder (n)
dramático dramatic (n)
in in/un (prefix)
detallado detailed (adj)
verdura vegetable (n)
destinar to allocate/assign (v)
inclinar to incline (v)
comodidad comfort (n)
habilitar to enable (v)
humildad modesty (n)
sexto sixth (adj)
intercambiar to exchange (v)
aspiración aspiration (n)
bus Bus (n)
sigla initials (n)
eco echo (n)
supervivencia survival (n)
lamentable regrettable (adj)
acta minutes/certificate (n)
disponibilidad availability (n)
contraste contrast (n)
campesino farmer (n)
semestre semester (n)
misterioso mysterious (adj)
caballero gentleman (n)
sabio wise (adj)
polémica controversy (n)
aportación input (n)
incapacidad inability (n)
candidatura candidacy (n)
genio genius (n)
imitar to imitate (v)
pozo well (n)
notificación notification (n)
justo fair (adj)
juguete toy (n)
transitar to transit (v)
paraíso paradise (n)
mancha stain (n)
transparente transparent (adj)
invisible invisible (adj)
historiador historian (n)
vecino neighbour (n)
impunidad impunity (n)
trascender to transcend (v)
magistrado magistrate (n)
literalmente literally (adv)
desatar to tie off (v)
visualizar to visualize (v)
residente resident (n)
licenciado graduate (n)
requerimiento requirement (n)
tolerancia tolerance (n)
alzar to raise (v)
avenida avenue (n)
marino Marine (n)
frustración frustration (n)
tubo tube (n)
afán eagerness (n)
profesora teacher (n)
trimestre trimester (n)
ecosistema ecosystem (n)
recorte cutout (n)
comunista communist (adj)
inconveniente inconvenient/problem (n)
retiro withdrawal (n)
orilla edge (n)
ego ego (n)
reportaje article/report (n)
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