Biology I Chapter 10


College Physics I Flashcards on Biology I Chapter 10, created by kellis1 on 19/11/2013.
Flashcards by kellis1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kellis1 over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
transcription info in a DNA sequence (a gene) is copied into a complementary RNA sequence
translation RNA sequence is used to create the amino acid sequence of polypeptide
3 types of RNA 1. mRNA 2. rRNA 3. tRNA
mRNA messenger- travels from the nucleus to the cytoplasm to be translated into a polypeptide *nucleotide sequence determines order of amino acids built by ribosome.
rRNA ribosomal- catalyzes the peptide bond formation between amino acids to form a peptide
tRNA transfer- can bind a specific amino acid and recognize a specific sequence of nucleotides in mRNA *recognizes which amino acid should be added next
Transcription Requires: 1. DNA template 2. Nucleoside triphosphates 3. RNA polymerase enzyme
RNA polymerase catalyze the synthesis of RNA from the DNA template -> does NOT require a primer
3 steps of transcription: 1. initiation 2. elongation 3. termination
initiation (transcription) requires a promoter which "tells" the RNA polymerase two things: 1. where to start 2. which of the 2 DNA strands to transcribe
elongation (transcription) RNA polymerase unwinds the DNA about 13 base pairs at a time and reads the template strand 3'->5' and then adds nucleotides that are antiparallel
termination (transcription) a particular base sequence calls for the end
coding regions sequences within a DNA molecule that are expressed as proteins
introns noncoding sequences
extrons coding sequences
pre-mRNA contain both introns and exons prior to removal of introns
nucleic acid hybridization 1. DNA denatured and strands separated 2. single-stranded nucleic acid from another source is incubated with denatured DNA
RNA splicing removes the introns and splices the exons together
consensus sequences short stretches of DNA that appear with little variation in many genes (between exons and introns)
snRNPS (small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles) binds the consensus sequences after the pre-mRNA is transcribed
spiceosome a large RNA-protein complex that cuts the pre-mRNA, releases introns, and joins the ends of the exons together
alternative splicing results in different mRNA and different polypeptides from a single gene because sometimes exons get spliced
Modifications at the ends of pre-mRNA 1. 5' cap 2. poly A tail
5' cap added to 5' end of pre-mRNA as it is transcribed, chemically modified version of GTP, protects it from being digested
poly A tail added to 3' end of pre-mRNA at the END of transcription, assists in export of mRNA from the nucleus
codons nonoverlapping three-letter "words" that specify for a particular amino acid
start codon starts translation AUG
stop codons terminate translation UAA, UAG, UGA
silent mutations can occur because of the redundancy of the genetic code
missense mutations change in amino acid sequence
nonsense mutations results in a premature stop codon
frame-shift mutations insertion or deletion of one or more base pairs within the coding sequence
2 events that must occur for the protein to be made correctly: 1. tRNA must chemically read each mRNA codon correctly 2. tRNA must deliver the amino acid that corresponds to the mRNA codon
3 functions of tRNA: 1. tRNAs bind to particular amino acids 2. tRNAs bind to mRNA 3. tRNAs inteact with ribosomes -> each mRNA codon binds to just one tRNA species, carrying a specific amino acid
anticodon complementary to the mRNA codon for the particular amino acid that the tRNA carries
3 sites of large subunit of ribosome 1. A 2. P 3. E "APE"
A site amino acid- where the charged tRNA anti-codon binds to the mRNA codon, thus lining up the correct amino acid to be added to he growing polypeptide chain
P site polypeptide- where the tRNA adds its amino acid to the polypeptide chain
E site the tRNA,, having give up its amino acid, resides before being released from the ribosome to begin the process again
fidelity function ensures that a charged tRNA with the correct anticodon binds to the appropiate codon in the mRNA
3 steps of translation 1. initiation 2. elongation 3. termination
initiation complex consists of charged tRNA and a small ribosomal subunit, both bound to the mRNA
initiation (translation) 1. the small ribosomal subunit binds to its recongnition sequence on mRNA 2. tRNA binds to the start codon 3.large ribosomal subunit joins the initiation complex, occupying the P site
elongation (translation) 1. the anticodon of an incoming tRNA binds to the codon at the A site 2. Pro is linked to MEt by peptidyl transferase activity of the large subunit 3. Free tRNA is moved to the E sites, and then released, as the ribosome shifts by one codon, so that the growing polypeptide chain moves to the P site
termination (translation) ends when a stop codon enters the A site: 1. release factor binds to the complex when a stop codon enters the A site 2. the release factor dsconnects the polypeptide from the tRNA in the P site 3. the remaining components separate
polyribosome/ polysome an assemblage consisting of a strand of mRNA with its beadlike ribosomes and their growing polypeptide chains occurs when a ribosome has moved away from the translation site and a second one can come in, and so on...
signal sequence short stretch of amino acids that indicates where in the cell the polypeptide belongs
how a new polypeptide moves into an organelle 1. signal sequence binds to a specific receptor protein 2. channel forms in organelle membrane 3. targeted protein moves in
3 modifications performed on proteins after translation: 1. proteolysis 2. glycosylation 3. phosphorylation
proteolysis cutting of a polypeptide chain by proteases
glycosylation addition of carbohydrates to proteins to form glycoproteins
phosphorylation the addition of phosphate groups to proteins and is catalyzed by protein kinases
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